Thursday, April 26, 2007

Just Some Silliness...

Not too much going on (well, actually A LOT going on, but stuff most of you probably wouldn't be interested in--taking my car to get serviced, writing a few articles, watching McKenna practice for color guard tryouts, washing clothes, etc., etc. LOL) instead of focusing on all the mundane things I'm doing right now, I thought I'd share some silliness with you all!

I saw this idea on some other blog somewhere and just had to try it out myself. Go to Google and just type in "Cheryl needs to" (or, obviously, your own name!) and see what you get. These were the top 10 responses for me. They CRACK me up!!

1. Cheryl needs to quit sending me dirty emails.

2. Cheryl needs to have an affair.

3. Cheryl needs support from each cluster.

4. Cheryl needs a new apartment.

5. Cheryl needs to work on her Japanese grammar.

6. Cheryl needs shirts (long sleeve( 2XL or 22), and pants 22-24( 2x) tall.

7. Cheryl needs to learn that reading is a solitary activity, and she needs to socialize instead.

8. Cheryl needs a dental plan that will cover dental services in other areas.

9. Cheryl needs some more money to expand.

10. Cheryl needs help to get inside the criminal mastermind’s mind.

Just a few thoughts on what my googling tells me I need to do--

* Sorry that I am, apparently, sending you all dirty emails!

* I don't have energy for the husband I have! An affair would NOTbe a good idea! (Gary and I always laugh that our lives are so chock-full of activities that we hardly have time to spend one-on-one with each other. How stupid would we be to try and have an affair? Besides, I'd have to kill him anyway! lol)

* If I had an affair, I'd pretty much need a new apartment!

* My goodness, let's hope I'm not needing 2Xs any time soon!

* I love the idea of being a criminal mastermind! (Well, not really the break-the-law part of it, but like the being-a-Charlie's-Angels-kind-of gal part of it!)

Aren't those all hilarious? I guarantee--instant fun if you google yourself!!

(Aren't you glad I'm giving you nonsense to play with, instead of doing the work you really need to be doing today!)


Adrienne said...

LOL! Too funny....what did you think about LOST????

Unknown said...

The very first thing was

"Gary Needs a Job!!"

Now how good is that! LOL

I also got "What can be done to improve Gary?"

That's a good question!

~grey said...

That is funny.. will have to try it later.

Wasn't LOST Awesome!!!

Oh and I just love the Pink song you have playing... Excellent choice in music!

Cheryl Wray said...

Adrienne--Funny, huh?? I can't believe I didn't mention Lost in my post. HA!!! It was GREAT!!! What about that last line about no survivors being on the plane? We're either in some alternate time reality/universe thing OR there's a big coverup conspiracy. Don't know! But I loved it!!!
G--HA!!! That is too funny!
D--Oh, I love that song too. Good girl power song!!! and it makes me bee-bop along! LOST was AWESOME!!!

Rene said...

Ha! I didn't get as many responses as you, but mine are definitely interesting:

1. Rene needs a good beat down
2. Rene needs to go home!!!!!!!
3. Rene needs to see a psychologist


Andy said...

i did this a couple of months ago and it was fun. yours was funny too. thanks for sharing.

Jeff said...

I am stupid busy today, but this idea cracks me up. I'll be posting my top 10 later today.

Anonymous said...

Okay...those are way funny! I love yours!
Isn't that what blogs are all about? to find fun things to occupy our time.

Dawn Bibbs said...

Ok, how do I say this nicely?

Step AWAY from the compter...and no one will get hurt!!! We're all you're friends here and we want to help you...NOT hurt you!!! LOL

I know, I know...I watch WAY too much A&E!!! KNOW I'm gonna go try it out, don't you??? I'm a sucker for something funny!

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is hilarious! I loved yours! This is what I got:
"Misty need to come back"
(I didnt know I left)
"Misty needs some hugs"
"Misty needs romance"
"Misty needs a loving home"
(Wow, I sound really needy, don't I?)
"Misty needs to hit the road"
(Thats because I didn't get all the above)
And these were my favorties!
"Misty needs a man who loves her without reservation for the fact that she comes with the baggage of problems"
"Misty needs to come up with a plan to save a forrest from terrible end"
(As if I didn't already have enough on my plate)
Thanks Cheryl, that was really fun and kinda eye-opening! Well, I'm off the save a forrest and get rid of some baggage!

Jeff said...

Okay. I've done this... whacky stuff here. I didn't get many either, but they are interesting.

1) Jeff needs to fix my cocker. This is from something called the Splatball Forum (which from what I gather is like paintball).
2) Jeff needs access to the room the night before and/or 45 minutes prior to his minutes prior to his start
3) Jeff needs to come visit his friends in Texas (the thing is I have friends in Texas, so that works)

Thanks for the fun!

Mississippi Songbird said...

This is so cool.Mind if I use it on my blog? Thanks

Bunches of hugs.....

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness that is hilarious! So you know I had to go try it. Here are my first 10 (and I was expecting to read a Lost review from you today!)
Michelle needs to...
1. just shut up
2. come out and be our studio manager
3. come over to my house, make me some tacos & burritos, fetch me a beer and
4. move on with someone else since Tony’s no longer around
5. do everything better than everyone else
6. look for ways to increase her income
7. Formulate a plan for making more money
8. take photography and graphics classes to decide if
9. exercise her right to shut the **** up
10. get the 2004 candidate names to Jeff so that the election may proceed

AmandaReg said...

holy cow could those responses by anymore WRONG!!!!

Kelly said...

that was hilarious.....

Leah said...

I did this last night and it is so funny.. your list is good!! LOL

~Telah said...

Too funny!

TK Angels said...

MY google is just too sad to mention. Mine is taken from that Terri Schiavo. She needs food and water, Terri needs rehab, etc.

Anyway, tell McKenna to have fun with the color guard. Cindy's was called flag corp and she was in it all 4 years of high school. I was team mom and rode on the bus to all the games and got in free--but had to work *smile*

Take care,

Unknown said...

That is really funny, you have just given me something to do when I leave your blog!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!! I love it!!!

Cheryl Wray said...

Just getting around to reading everyone's other comments!!! Busy, busy...
Rene--Those are TOO funny!!!
Andy--I love silly thing like that!
Gin--I think you're right!!
Dawn--Are you saying that you are part of my cluster support system?? LOL!!!!
Misty--Those were hilarious!! I loved the last two also!!!! Some of them do make us seem kinda needy, huh? lol
Jeff--We should have a big ole Texas Road Trip!!!!
Songbird--Absolutely use it on your blog!! It's too much fun!

Cheryl Wray said...

Michelle--Do everything better than everyone else! That one made me laugh, as did the go fetch me a beer one! Loved em!
Amanda--HA!!! Yeah, I think so!
Kelly--Funny, huh? LOL
Leah--They just cracked me up!!
Telah--Yep! Love crazy stuff like this!
TK--Ooh yeah, bummer with your name! I'm excited for McKenna. They have tryouts this afternoon, so a little bit nervous!!
Carmel--Yay!! Glad I could help you out! lol
Anon--It was pretty funny!!

Jolene George said...

Yours is funny! I did mine a few days ago. and would you please quit sending those dirty emails. ;o)

AngelConradie said...

ooooooookay, i'm a little worried about what came up for me!

~Angel needs a ride...
~Angel needs to be hired...
~Angel needs Slayer...
~Angel needs to be positioned on the dashboard of the vehicle in order to do this...
~Angel needs our prayers...
~Angel needs grace in order to turn to God...
~Angel needs no angels...
~Angel needs a drummer...
~Angel needs help...
~Angel needs to think clearly about positioning...

Crazy Working Mom said...

*LOL* This is funny. I'm gonna give it a whirl. come over and check it out. I'll link to you.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog because my name is Cheryl and I was trying it from a facebook challenge! Too funny!!