Friday, June 22, 2007

20 Things...

I was inspired by Maria, who was inspired by Ali's aezine online newsletter, to create a list of 20 things--as a way to motivate or encourage myself to get something accomplished that I may not otherwise do. I'm not a great list-maker (in fact, I'm not very organized at all!), but I jumped on this idea because I have actually been thinking of some things I want to do over the Summer. So this was a perfect way to think what I want to do between now and when school starts (which gives me not quite two months!).

So, here are 20 Things I Want to do This Summer...

(these are in addition to the "regular" things like going to the beach for a weeklong vacation and hanging out at the pool at our local water park; these are things I want to do either by myself, with Gary, or with the girls to make this summer more enjoyable and meaningful).

How about making a list like this for yourself?


1. Make homemade ice cream.

2. Go to the art museum.

3. Start a summer family reading program.

4. Take a day trip with Angela.

5. Kiss on the beach at night.

6. Try at least two ethnic restaurants (food I've never tried before).

7. Consientiously work on my novel.

8. Try my hand at painting.

9. Go out on a date with Gary.

10. Have a girls-night-out with friends.

11. Do a Europe scrapbook of McKenna's trip.

12. Go on a used/thrift sto
re book excursion.

13. Do at least 5 random acts of kindness.

14. Write a poem.

15. Read at least one book of the Bible all the way through.

16. Wake up one morning and go somewhere unplanned and unexpected.

17. Have a picnic.

18. Watch some DVDS that I've missed, just for myself.

19. Throw a party.

20. Run through a sprinkler.

I really want to do a lot of these things and hopefully I'll be able to! Some are very simple--but just scream out "Summer" to me. Others are things that are just hard to do with our crazy summer schedule. We'll just see how it goes (and, of course, I will use this blog as a way to keep track of what I've had the pleasure to do from my list!)

We are off for a fun weekend. Delaney has a softball tournament about an hour away tomorrow--it will be a hard one, with five really good teams in it (probably our hardest competition of the season so far!). It will be fun, but HOT! I also plan on doing at least one thing from my list--making some homemade ice cream!!

I also just need to give a quick shout-out to my sweet blog buddy Dawn. I got the cutest flip-flops in the mail yesterday from her and I will be wearing them this weekend to our tournament. They are SO cute! And, Dawn, I've been thinking of and praying for you!

Now...go have a GREAT weekend!!!!! Soak up the sun!!!! Lighten up!!!! And see ya on Monday!!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Cheryl, those all sound like great summer things to do. You're right...summer seems to come with a big bang & then it's over. After a trip to the beach, it can get really humdrum & boring. Hope you get to do most of the things on your list & have a very fun summer!

Southern Hospitality

Vee said...

love your list!!! :)
running thru a sprinkler sounds so cooling right now
have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT list!! I cant wait to hear about all of them as you get them done.

Kimberly said...

Love your list...I need to make one. Show us those cute flips flops you got. I love flip flops! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

The reading program she's already got started! She has a full size posterboard on the door with all of our names on it and a place to write in the books. She put a little space for me. I think she believes I don't slow down enough to read much!

Unknown said...

maybe she thinks I don't know how to read???

Anonymous said... are the sweetest! Thank you for much for the link! I absolutely loved your list! I hope you get to do every single thing and more! Have an awesome weekend! I wish I could come to the party, LOL :)

And you just gave me some cool ideas for things to do this summer! :)

Unknown said...

Wow that is some list!!! Well I can think of at least of the five acts of kindness - Um, let me give you a clue here - It's got black ears and is kinda cute????? lol. Only kidding - Gary started it and before he beats you up I just wanna say - send it when you remember!!! hehhehehehehe! (NO I HAVE NOT BEEN DRINKING).

Your weekend sounds like it is going to be jam packed - so enjoy every second of it and take care!!!!

Paula J Atkinson said...

First thing I spotted was the jetski. I work in marine insurance & we insure them here in UK. I can't seem to escape them!!!
I have a love hate relationship, love the skis hate the water!!

Dawn Bibbs said...

WAY to go Cheryl!!! I got all the way through your post and your wonderful summer list,with a smile on my face and NO tears in my eyes. But then your shout out to me, just got me going again. Guess I'm pretty vunerable right

Thank you SO much for your kind words, here, my blog and "off line". Love you bunches for that.

Have a safe trip this weekend and I hope the girls do well. Also, I hope the flip flops are comfy :-).

Again, I thank you!

Anonymous said...

That is such a cool idea. Now I need to make me a list.
Hope you guys have a great weekend and you win a lot of games!

Corey said...

What a great list! I'm gonna be all over that homemade ice cream...I've completely forgoten about that. We used to make it every summer. Thanks for reminding me!

Cheryl Wray said...

Rhoda--Isn't that the truth? It comes and goes way too quickly! But I'm going to enjoy it!!
Vee--It is SO hot today, I could use a sprinkler!!
Gin--I will definitely keep you all updated!
Kimberly--I will have to take a pic of my flip flops this weekend!
G--Hey!! You trying to take over my blog?? LOL Your list is as long as ours, so start reading!!!

Brown English Muffin said...

Ok I HAVE to do this list and see how many things I can tick off!!!

Cheryl Wray said...

Maria--I thought the list idea was SO great, I just had to do it!! I hope you have a great summer!!
Gen--Oh...hangs her head in shame...I promise that it will be one of my RAKs soon, very soon!
Paula--Oh, I love water and the beach! But I don't do water skis!
Dawn--Glad to hear that it brightened your morning!!! But sorry I made you weepy again...I just hope that your day is going okay. I'm still thinking of you!!
Ang--you should definitely do a list too!! and, yes, I hope we win A LOT of games too!
Corey--oh i LOVE homemade ice cream. I'm making butterfinger first!!

Cheryl Wray said...

Muffin--You popped in while I was commenting on the comments! LOL You should so share your list with all of us!!

Southern Heart said...

Wonderful list of things to do this summer...I hope that you accomplish every single one!



Linda said...

definitley summery things to do. I love to run through the sprinklers. C - thank so much for your prayers....I really appreciate that... my little girl (almost 21) really needs them. Again, just thanks. And you are absolutely right, I love these things because you get to know people better. So much fun. Tannis was funny, she actually wrote, I thought you were a girly girl. Well I am, I just ride a dirtbike and like Have an incredible weekend.

Adriann said...

Sounds like a great list. I hope you are able to check-off all of them by summer's end. I can't wait to see the LO's from McKenna's trip. Have a fab weekend!


Cheryl Wray said...

Southern Heart--Thanks!! I'm going to do my BEST to do them all!! :-)
Linda--You and dd are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I know it must be hard for you. And you have a wonderful weekend too!
Adriann--I can't wait to work on the trip scrapbook. You have a FAB weekend too!

Unknown said...

O...good luck with your list!!! that sounds like a lot of fun things to do...we made homemdae ice creamm last summer and it was yummy!!!! so that is a must....the kids had sooooo much fun!!!!

and definitely do the wake up and do something spontaneous one...that would be so much fun!!!!

and if you don't tell anyone I will definitely stow you away in my suitcase!!!

AngelConradie said...

i wonder what would be on my list... i'm keen to see how much you manage to tick off!

Veronica said...

That is a great idea...I will work on my list soon. When I have a mini vacay for the 4th. Thanks! Great idea!!

Phats said...

MMMM homemade ice cream, and you will be sharing with me right??? You can make homemade cookies to dip it in!!

I hope the kiss on the beach is with Gary

Cheryl Wray said...

Jessi--Ooh, yeah!! I love homemade ice cream!!! Can't wait to make it! And,it's so funny, Delaney thinks the only "cool" idea on my list is to wake up and go somewhere unexpected!
Angel--You should make a list too!Ialso can't wait to see which ones I actually do.Hopefully most of them!! lol
Pookie--Oh, goodie! Can't wait to see your list too!
Phats--I will absolutely make some for you!!With homemade cookies too!LOL I TOO hope it's Gary I kiss!Would be quite a surprise if if it was someone else!!

Danielle said...

Love the list!!!! What a great idea :) I think I'm gonna make one too!!!!

Susie said...

Love your list of summertime fun! I have a "to do" list for summer, but I need to include some fun things too!

Tammy said...

Thanks for visiting my new blog! You used to visit my old one some too, Among Friends...or maybe it was Kentucky Gal, it's been a bloggin' while...teehee!
I'm glad you liked my picture, my photography skills are not up to some I've seen in Blogland but I try!
Your list is awesome and I hope you get every item done!

Robin Green said...

What a wonderful list. I have the easiest homemade icecream recipe, ever, if you want it.

NY KAT said...

I'm happy you did the list! I'm finally progresing on my list of 30 things, it's been a lot of fun!