(if I could make those words blink to let you know how serious I am about this warning, I would!! Because it is time for an...
Extreme Photo Overload!!!
I am finally getting around to posting pictures from our trip this past weekend to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains. We had so much fun and Delaney's team did wonderfully (you'll see further down in the post); Sydney loved the mountains; Dollywood was a blast; and I ate way too much fudge for my own good! (The only thing that would have made it better was if McKenna had been with us; but she's off on a mission trip.) So, without further ado...get ready for the Photo Overload!!
The Smokies are one of my favorite places anywhere and, thank goodness, we had some time to appreciate the beautiful surroundings...
We loved our cabin...
and I especially loved the jacuzzi bathtub (although it was surrounded by three full-sized mirrors and I will just tell you right now that I don't necessarily need to see my behind that up-close-and-personal. But I am a "bath person," so I was in heaven!)...
We did not, however, love the fact that the maintenance crew took a good two hours to get our air conditioning working...
(But it was all good, and we entertained ourselves by going and eating way too much food at a yummy local restaurant. When we returned, it was cold!!)
The next day, we headed off to Dollywood. I am not much for theme parks, but I actually enjoyed this one. There were enough "low key" rides that I could actually ride, and it was shady and pretty; there were also good snacks (always a pro in my book!). And, best of all, the kids loved it!
We got a quick pic of the entire team, before everyone went their separate ways...
And we got a few family pics, that I really love...
(okay, so this next pic isn't really that great...but it makes me look pretty skinny and, after all the Southern cooking and fudge I ate--and the three-way mirror that revealed the enormity of my backside to me--this picture made me feel pretty good. So I'm posting it!! lol)...
And a few favorite pictures of Scout (oh, how a four-year-old can change moods quickly!)...
Gary and I even posed in an owl's nest...
And this was a good Father's Day picture...
Then we all enjoyed some rides...
(you can't see me in the picture above, but I'm behind all that water!! I was soaked!!)
One of the best parts of the trip was the girls getting to spend time with their friends. We feel very blessed to be a part of the team Delaney is on. We have been on other teams when the families don't all get along, or some girls are "divas" to the others and they aren't necessarily good friends. This team is quite different and Delaney loves her teammates...
And, as an extra bonus, Sydney has good friends too (the team is full of younger siblings!!)...
Of course, the REAL reason we came to Tennessee was to play some softball!!! The tournament consisted of eight teams in the 12-and-under division. We were the only Alabama team to compete in it, and the other teams were mostly from Tennessee. But there was a team from Virginia and one from Ohio, so that was really cool for the girls to play against teams from other states.
Here are some of my favorite action shots of Delaney throughout the weekend...
We had a GREAT tournament and went undefeated in five games. Because we never lost, we never got stuck in the loser's bracket, which is a big advantage when you're in a double-elimination tournament.That way, when you make it to the championship round the other team has to beat you twice. We ended up playing against the White Lightning team from Tennessee for first place and--with a combination of great pitching, great defense, great base running, and some great hits when we needed them--we won 5-0!! (We only gave up three points all weekend!) Delaney had a really good tournament, with two beautiful bunts at very important times of the game and some great defensive plays.
Here is the team at the end of the game, and then posing with their first place trophies...
This win is another good step for us as we get ready to play in the World Series in Maryland in July. Wins like this give us more confidence, and we also earn points that should give us a good seeding in the World Series. (Go Mustangs!!)
Of course, once the girls were off the field, Sydney had to run the bases and pose with Delaney's trophy too...
We were sad to have to leave, but Gary had to work in the morning so off we went (it was already 8 pm, and we knew we'd get home LATE).
We did stop to admire the view a few more times (love that picture of Delaney and Sydney!). Until next year...
LOVE all the pics! Looks like a good time!
wow! what a weekend. looks like it was great fun. congrats to delaney and the team.
~hippo hugs~
You captured some really great shots.
Such great pictures!
beautiful! Your pics make me want to take a road trip! Congrats to the allstar ball player you've got!
Great pics! The area where the tournament was in looks a lot like the topography where I grew up in NY...very pretty!
Just love all of the pics....looks like a great time was had by all. We used to travel a lot when Jacquelyn did the competitive all star cheering....sure was fun being with everyone and all of her friends!!
Adrienne--It was a great time!
Pam--It was FUN!! And thanks!! Delaney was very excited!
Chrissy--The mountains are just gorgeous. And thanks about Delaney!
Kat--The area is so pretty!! Sounds like you grew up in a pretty place!
Nina--Travel ball takes up a lot of time, but it is SO much fun!!
Welcome Back Cheryl!!!
love alllll your photos but the one of you and Gary @ the Owl's nest is sooo Cute :)
hope you're well rested and have a good week!
Wow, what GREAT pictures!!! I'm so glad Delaney and her team did well. That's always fun.
Ok, now you know I have to ask. #1, how did you get that picture ABOVE the title of your post? and #2, how do you get the border around your pictures?
Glad you guys made it back safely!
OMGOSH looks like you guys had a blast, love all the pictures love that one of lil bit looking off that is soooo soft.
oh oh oh Im coming up there a week from today is my appt. we are coming Tuesday. stayin the night at i cant rem the name of it... the hotel attached to the place... so anywayyyy I need you to e mail me ya number. so I can call ya and we can all meet up! IM cited to get to see ya hopefully! hugs
email me at nancywithajones@gmail.com
Wonderful photos! I love your comment about seeing your behind in the 3 mirrors. You crack me up. =0)
Thanks for the warning. I loved every bit of it! I haven't been on much lately, cause the kids are out and about.. I will visit when I can.. Bunches of hugs....Stephanie
Really lovely scenery where you were and it's nice that you have proof that it wasn't just your toes that you got wet in the jacuzzi :-P
(You haven't commented on my blog for three months now. Did I say something wrong lol? You'll have to give me a clue :-))
Your mountain photos are so pretty. Looks like a gorgeous place.
Ed--Hee hee! I thought that pic was cute too.
Dawn--Hey girl!! Actually, I think that the borders come around my photos automatically with the template I am using from Blogger. The different templates let you do different things. As for the picture above the title, you should be able to move your pictures wherever you want in your post. Just drag the picture with your cursor to wherever you want it to be.
Nancy--That would be SO great to meet you!! We have a week full of appointments--dentist for me, two doctors for the girls, but I would LOVE to meet up with you. Maye we can work it out. I will email you back!!
Heather--Well, the three-mirror view was NOT pretty. LOL
Steph--I know!! Summer is crazy; the kids keep me so busy.It's much harder for me to get by blogs too!!
King--Life has been so busy, that my blog visiting has severely dropped. But I am coming by TODAY!!!! :-)
What amazing pictures Cheryl! It also looks like a fantastic trip with a great big trophy at the end. Congrats to Delaney! My neice is a competative softball player and it amazes me how tough those girls are! WTG!
Great pics...makes me want to go!
Awesome pics! Congrats to Delaney and the team!!!
LOL! About the skinny picture. You amaze me at how small you are compared to how much you eat. LOL!!!
Enjoy your week!
Congrats!!! to Delaney and just love the pictures, especially of the rides. Viewing them were almost like being there and the last one was so bittersweet.. sad that they have to leave Tennessee, but what a great time we had.
WOWZERS! I want to go to Pigeon Forge again! AND, I want to stay in THAT cabin!
Wonderful pictures! Delaney's team is unstoppable!
Congrats to Delaney on the win!
Every person that I know who has been to Dollywood has loved it. We may have to check it out for ourselves. :)
I posted some pictures today from Yellowstone. Tomorrow, I hope to get the Mount Rushmore pictures posted. Mount Rushmore and the surrounding area was FABULOUS! I highly recommend it. Not that my recommendation means a lot, just thought I'd throw it out there. lol
Great pictures you've posted. Wish I'd gotten a "skinny" picture taken on our trip. lololol
Beautiful pictures!! Looks like a ton of fun was had by all! :o)
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