We had a great time last night at our Trunk or Treat (and Gary and I looked quite cute as Batman and Catwoman...if I do say so myself!), but I'm going to wait and post all of our Halloween pictures together (we're doing our "Creepy Cafe" meal here at the house tonight and then trick--or-treating tomorrow night). So, I thought I'd use my post today to show you some of the scrapbook pages I've made in the last few days and also to show you the beginnings of my "A Week in the Life" album.
I'm still getting my Summer pages done (gotta do that before the holidays are here in full force). This is one of the "traditional" hand-holding picture we take at whatever beach we're at (this summer, it was Ocean City, Maryland)...
I really, really like this because it incorporates some handmade things I used for it. I made the little journaling strips and the paper circles and flowers. I'm really enjoying this sort of look these days...
And then a page with another picture from our beach trip this past summer. It's one of the pics of the girls on the Boardwalk, and it's very simple. Lots of circles and soft corners, and a couple of embellishments...
And then here's a page I did from my 40th birthday. I've still got several pages and layouts I want to do from the celebration (one of the "surprise" party Gary threw for me and also of our family celebrations), but I wanted to do one that I could just journal on. Share my thoughts on what it feels like to be 40 (when, honestly, I still feel like I'm 20 most of the time!)...
I also like this one a lot because of the flowers and shapes I cut out for the page. It feels simple and "real" to me...
And then, remember the "Week in the Life" photos I showed you all last week? Well, I finally decided what I wanted to do for it and I got started. I made the cover and I think I know what the design is going to be like throughout it. I'm going for easy (it's gotta be easy; I have like 100 pictures from the week, and I don't want it to be a chore to get it done!)...
I am really excited about getting to work on that album. I decided to make my own album. It's using chipboard and cardstock for the pages and I'm going to bind it with a coil ring; I really wanted to make it feel more "earthy" and "real" (kind of like our lives!) and loved the handmade look. Chipboard, stamping, handmade journaling spots; I hope it turns out how I visualize it! Now, I just gotta get my pictures (they should be arriving in the mail at any time!). Of course, I'll give updates here next week on how the album is coming along.
Now, on that note...about my handmade scrappy stuff...I'm seriously thinking of opening an Etsy shop. Etsy is this really cool shopping space online; everything is either handmade or vintage, and I really enjoy the stuff that's there. I have this vision of a shop that will focus on things that encourage our creativity, things that I love doing myself.
Things like handmade albums, and journals for your writing, and tags for scrapbooks. Some holiday stuff. Vintage creative things. Even some custom-designed things for anyone who might want it. Basically things that can encourage writing and creativity, and living with joy.
I even have an idea for my shop's name... Live, Love, Create.
I really want some honest feedback. Do you think this is something I should try and do? I have all sorts of ideas, but I also need it to be something that would be practical and realistic for me to do. I'd actually want to sell some stuff. (LOL)
I'd love your thoughts on that.
(Okay...I couldn't resist. I'm including just ONE picture from last night. More to come after our Halloween meal tonight and trick or treating tomorrow...
Have a great Thursday and Friday!
Cheryl will you adopt me? yeah, I'm a little older than your other kids, but I'll blend right in!! wink-wink!!
I love your layouts!! I really need to find my mojo because its been MIA for months. I love how your life in the week album is coming along. I've been THINKING about doing an album for weeks to no avail. The picture of you and your daughter is just adorable.
Etsy is just amazing. I stalk that site all the time. I think you should totally go for it!!
Awwww and I LOVE Etsy! I try not to go over there lol.
cute los!! glad your getting some scraptime in !!
#1 - I LOVE the layouts, especially your journalling page with just your pic. It's a great picture of you.
#2 - I'll be the first customer at your shop. You absolutely amaze me with what you can accomplish in a day.
#3 - Jim and I are going to a friend's for dinner tomorrow evening and Jim has a really awful ogre mask. I have nothing. I think I'll be Catwoman, no doubt. Thanks, friend.
~Halloween Hippo Hugs~
Great layouts Cheryl! I'm so jealous.... I wanna scrap but can't find the time, too exhausted when I'm done working:-(( And you look very cute as catwoman... but your DD is cuter LOL
Yvonne--You're too sweet! Thanks for all the kind comments. And hey--come on and join us. Three kids. One more won't hurt us! lol
Adrienne--I know! i love it too! Just trying to decide if it would be worth doing. I've got lots of fun ideas (I think!), so we'll see...
Stacy--It seems like I barely have time to scrap these days, so any time I find is great!
Pam--You're so sweet. Thanks!!! (Okay,we must have pics of Catwoman and Ogre. I love it!)
Marjo--Thanks! And you're right...Scout is ALWAYS cuter! That's her job! :-)
I think it's cute you and gary go as some kind of theme! Can't wait to see the pictures
ROLLLLLL TIDEEEEEE! I did that with my best southern drawl
Cute LO's! I was looking for Batman and Catwoman photos.
Your layouts are wonderful! I love looking at other peoples scrapbook pages. It's so inspiring.
I cannot wait to see the rest of your "Week in the Life" album.
I think you should go for it! Open your Live, Love, Create Etsy!
You look so cute in your costumes! I wish we got more into Halloween. We used to. But, not anymore.
Phats--Gary and I are goofy; that's all there is to it! LOL Way to go!!!I love the Southern drawl!!! :-) (and Boiler Up back at ya!)
Adriann--Thanks!! Ha! I will post some Halloween pictures tonight after we've done our trick or treating!
Kathy--You guys should dress up! It's so fun!! And thank you for the sweet compliments. I'm really trying to decide on the Etsy thing; if I do it, though, I gotta set it up sometime soon.I've got some holiday stuff I want to do!
Great Layouts and really like the flower on the hand-holding picture its like 3D.
Beautiful layouts. I'll have to steal those ideas because I'm turning 40 in about 4 months. Ack!
I heart your idea for an Etsy store, Cheryl. If you think you could do this type of thing w/o getting tired of it, and with balancing the rest of your life--why not? You can always stop, right? Go for it.
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