Presidential & Sports News
So, you just thought that all of the votes had already been counted and tallied for president. Nope...there was still one more important race to call...
And I'm proud to announce that Delaney is now the Student Body President of her middle school! I greeted her at home yesterday after school with the strains of "Hail to the Chief" behind her and we've been referring to her as Madame President since her victory!
She won by a landslide; she got more than 200 votes! (There were five people running, so I think it's quite an accomplishment...although I guess I'm a little bit biased!)
This was one of her campaign posters...

And some other great news to go along with Delaney's win is that her friend, Jaelyn, won as Secretary/Treasurer! (Jaelyn is my next-door-neighbor and daughter of the uber-cool blogger Adrienne!)
Woo Hoo for Delaney and Jaelyn!! Now let's just hope that they can bring change to their school...bridge the divide between individuals...and keep taxes low! (LOL)
On other news, which is equally (well, almost as equally) exciting...
Have you heard that my Alabama Crimson Tide is #1 in the country??? I can't believe that I haven't posted about this yet, but with the election and other cool stories I wanted to share I somehow let this amazing news pass by.
Alabama is #1 for the first time since 1992, when they were ranked there after winning the national championship over Miami (to put that in perspective, that was the same year McKenna was born!). The last time we were #1 in the regular season was in 1980. I don't know about you, but 1980 is a LONG time ago. Shoot, I was Delaney's age myself back then (and wearing leg warmers!).
We are all so excited about the possibilities that are in front of us for the rest of the season, and it has been so such a pleasant surprise (we really thought this sort of season would get here for us in another year or two!). But, it's not going to be easy the rest of the way!

(although with our monster offense line creating holes like this for freshman phenom Mark Ingram, we may be a-okay!)
We have LSU this weekend, which will be HUGE!!! (So, all of you, please get your crimson gear on and start practicing your "Roll Tide" yell. We're gonna need you this Saturday at 2:30!)
I hope that all of you are having a fantastic week. (It has gone by super-fast for me, for some reason.) Today, I'm working on my "A Week in the Life" album...and hoping to do some Christmas shopping. Should be a good day!
Love you all and See ya soon!
YAY for your girl and YAY(?) for our team. I blogged about it on Sunday. I am not that excited!! Should be a great game this weekend!
Congrats to Delaney and ROLL TIDE!!
hey i have good news to share as well i am rakking you yes you send me your addy!!
Congratulations Delaney! Hope you'll do a fabulous job. :)
Congratulation ladies! Job well done!!
Congratulations Delaney!!!
Good for you, Delaney. I know you guys are proud of her.
I'm glad to know an election went your way!
Even though I'm an Auburn girl... I am pulling for the Tide this weekend. This has turned out to be a great season! fingers crossed.
Becky--I'm a little bit nervous about the game, butI think we can take care of LSU! Roll Tide!
Stacy--Yay for me!!! LOL I will email you!
Adriann--They're excited!
Sheila--Thanks for the congrats!
Gin--We ARE proud of her!!
Sandi--You're so sweet to support us! Thanks!! :-)
GREAT news for Delaney!
Love the poster!
Congrats, Delaney!!!
Yay Delaney! THat poster is too cute. I don't know why your posts aren't showing up for me, Cheryl. I'll have to see if I have you on Google right.
I can't quite bring myself to yell "Roll Tide", but I might as well because "Go Buffs" isn't doing much for me.
Have a great weekend.
That's so Awesome for Delany! Congrats to her, and I love the changes she plans to make.
ROLL TIDE!! Picks are up good luck :)
WOW! Way to go Delaney! I am sure that she and Jaelyn will do lots of good things for their school!
Kat--yay! Thanks!
Jenster--Thanks for the congrats!
Gretchen--LOL That's okay.I actually like your Buffs too. The bowl game with us last year was an exciting one!
Phats--Delaney's too funny. I told her that I'm not sure if any of her "campaign promises" were actually practical...but I guess it worked! Cool! Going to check out my picks.Roll Tide AND Boiler Up!
Kathy--I'm so proud that she and Jaelyn both won. Yay!
Congrats to Delaney!! YAYAYAYAYY!!!
HOORAY! for Delaney! That's awesome. Man, there are changes going on all over the world, huh? :-) I'm very happy for Madame President! WORK IT, Delaney!!! lol
Roll Tide!!! We will be all decked out in our Bama gear in front of the TV at 2;30 tomorrow. You'll be able to hear us in Louisiana (not Baton Rouge!)!!
hooray for Delaney! Was
congrats delaney.
that's so awesome.
i'm sure you will be great
Honey I have no doubt that Delaney just may grow up and become President of our US of A some day! Congrats Delaney!
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