Friday, April 21, 2006

Ever Had One of "Those" Days ??

Okay, just to dispel any nasty rumors out there that our lives pretty much are in great shape all the time, I had to share the humorous (well, humorous now, but pretty darn irritating at the time!) day we had yesterday.

My car's battery decided to die about the time I had to get McKenna home from drama practice. We were on our way to church, so I didn't have far to go, but it was dead as a doornail (with a capital D!). Maria jumped my car off, though, and I made it to church. After church, though, the dead-as-a-doornail thing happened all over again and I called Gary to come get me.

Gary was at the ballpark (of course!) with Delaney for practice and they were having their own amount of trauma themselves--Gary had locked the keys to everything at the ballpark in the concession stand and then realized that he had lost his own keys somewhere out there! He also had no jump cables to help me out! So, after searching all over the park, he found his keys (he apparently had a hole in his shorts pocket that was the culprit!) and was able to come rescue me after finding some cables in the mechanics garage there at the park.

Just as he arrived at church, the Noah-like flood started pouring down as we tried to get the car to start! Not a happy camper was he! But, whew!!, the car finally got started and we got home (not until I deciced to run through the Krystal's drive-thru to get us a very late supper and Gary fussed, i.e, yelled, at me for doing that--in fear that I would break down again somewhere in the rain!)

After Gary went back to the ballpark with someone else's keys to get everything locked up correctly, he went to Walmart to buy me a new battery and installed it at 1 a.m. (Thank you, Gary!).

Then, to cap it all off, this morning he ran out of gas as he was leaving for work and got the truck stuck in the bushes next to our driveway. He called from work later in the morning, wondering if anything else had gone wrong. Nope!! And we're not due again for another month, at least!

Hope your day's going a little bit better!

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