Sunday, April 09, 2006

Quote of the Day . . . "Chill Out!"

Okay, Sydney's new thing to say is, "Chill Out!" It is SO cute when she says it and what makes it especially funny is that she just says it out of the blue--when you least expect it. And then she'll look right at the person she's saying it to and make it personal. "Chill out, Mommy," or "Chill out, LaLa (her name for Delaney)."

I'm thinking that Sydney has it right on the mark! We take things WAY too seriously, when all we really need to do is stop and look around at the JOY-ful moments right there in front of us!

Another quote that goes right along with this is one I saw on a church bulletin board the other day. It said: "Today is the only today you're gonna get." Absolutely true . . . today won't ever be here again, so we need to make the most of it.

We're right at the beginning of Holy Week and this whole attitude is going to be my plan for the week. I'm going to live this week--which as a Christian is the most important, symbolically, of the entire year--with the attitude that God wants me here not to be a sourpuss or a negative person. He wants me to just "Chill Out" and "Live TODAY with joy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! 2-year-olds are a hoot!