Thursday, September 28, 2006

I SO Need This Shirt . . .

("Be Careful, or I'll kill you in a book.")

Or this one . . .

("Please do not annoy the writer. She may put you in a book and kill you.")

Aren't those just priceless? So you've been given fair warning--don't make me mad or you might just become a character in my murder mystery (perhaps even the murderer himself/herself . . . egads!)

Of course, this would involve me actually sitting down and working on my novel. I really need to be doing that . . .

In other writing news--I have progressed really well on the articles I have due this week (you know, the writing that actually DOES bring in a check). I have to finish two more by tomorrow, but they are proceeding well. I have them both drafted out with all the information put into the right places. Just need to actually sit down in front of the computer screen and get them written today.

In other random news today--

Today is "Ask a Stupid Question Day."

Of course, my stupid question of the day is, "Who in the heck comes up with special days like this to celebrate?"

Apparently, according to the website I discovered that shares the arrival of days such as this--and others like "Fortune Cookie Day," which we missed back n the 13th, "National Cheeseburger Day" on the 18th, and "Elephant Appreciation Day" on the 22nd--this day was set up in order to give you:

"the opportunity to speak up, and to ask all those questions you were afraid to ask. All those questions that you thought were too stupid or dumb to ask, have been piling up all year long. Today is the day to unload them. C'mon give it a try. Nobody will laugh . . . we hope." (This is from

The website also gave me some information about the origin of this so-called holiday, saying:

"The roots of this special day goes back to the 1980's. At the time, there was a movement by teachers to try to get kids to ask more questions in the classroom. Kids sometimes hold back, fearing their question is stupid, and asking it will result in ridicule.Teachers created this day on September 28, If it fell on a weekend, they would celebrate it on the last day of the month."

(So there's somthing else we schoolchildren of the 1980s have to be proud of! I'm thinking that I probably directly contributed to this holiday, based on the stupid questions I asked my 11th grade Chemistry teacher Mrs. Coley--bless her heart!!--back in 1985!)

So, let's take advantage of this once--in-a-year event and ask a stupid question. Because, as you know . . .

"There's no such thing as a stupid question" (according to all those teachers from years ago)

"Stupid is as stupid does" (according to my man Forrest Gump)

"This might sound stupid but . . ."


"Do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?"


Anonymous said...

I would be honored to be a villain in your novel. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

Unknown said...

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?"

Now being your DH, am I really ALLOWED to answer that last question?? I don't have enough Hilton Points to get all of the hotel rooms I'd need if I answered the question incorrectly! :)

By the way, when do we see the first book of the Katrina the Traveling Bear series??

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Hey what happened to my comment I left earlier - was Gareth in here, did he eat it? You know Monkeys eat anything!

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Ok, I will leave it again, will try and remember what I said!

I can't come up with a stupid question right now *me thinking*, nope, nothing, It might be better to just rather kill me in one of your books! lol (just go easy on me, I have a very low pain threshold).

Cheryl Wray said...

Ryan--You are so there as one of my vilains!
G--I'd never make you sleep in a hotel!! Okay, okay . .. someday Katrina will become a reality! (maybe . . .)
NM--nope, Gareth hasn't wandered in lately. I'll have to tell him you were talking about him!

Anonymous said...

ROFLOL!!!!! Those shirts are TOO funny!

Mz.Elle said...

Haahaa,those shirts are great!

My son once had a teacher yell at his class "Stop asking stupid questions!"
yeeeeaaaah,she was a winner!

Cinderella said...

I'm not trying to start anything *Evil grin* but ummm your husband said something on my blog that maybe you should see. I'm not a rat or anything *(Bites down on some cheese)* but since I read your shirt, I think he needs to be mentioned in one of your books.

Gooo Eagles!! hahaha

Cheryl Wray said...

Adrienne-yes, I need one of those shirts!
msL--what an idget! She's the type of women who gives teachers a bad name!!
Cinder--Well, I can't help it if my dh likes cute blondes! I learned a long time ago that I'm married to a Big Ole Flirt, but that's okay! He also tends to put his foot in his mouth without thinking of the consequences. LOL! (But it's why I have to stalk your log as well--just to see what he's up to! ha!!)

Cindy Barb said...

Oh my Cheryl, it seems Gary is always in trouble. Hmm, we know him all to well don't we "my lady".

Phats said...

Man it took forever for blogger to let me comment!

i love the shirts though are awesome. I love reading murder mysteries, please feel free to kill me that would be awesome! But I at least want a free copy.

I am a teacher and I think that there are plenty stupid questions. I wonder if I can get fired for saying that? That's my stupid ?