Thursday, September 21, 2006

Moments that Just Make You Smile & Laugh
(Thank goodness!!)

Don't children (and especially really young ones) seem to know when you need a pick-me-up? You can be having a pretty stinky day (and yesterday DEFINITELY had its moments, let me tell you!) and you walk in the door and the little one says, "Mommy! I love you!" without any prodding whatsoever. Kinda makes you stop and re-think things a little bit. And I say, "Thank Goodness!" for that!

Yesterday, Sydney was in some sort of rare mood--she was all about pretending she was something else. She came to me throughout the day and declared that she was something new!

Can you guess what she was in that first picture?

Yep, she came to me and said, "I'm a softball player!" All by herself, she had put on Delaney's cleats, sliding pad, and sunglasses. (She also said she had on her "baseball shirt," although you can see it's really basketball!). And she said, "Poppy teach me to bat." So cute!

Then, later in the afternoon when the girls were home from school, Delaney found a hat that she'd been missing for awhile and put her hair up inside it. When Sydney saw her she said, "I'm gonna be a boy like La-la." So off she went to put on a hat, because I guess it made her into a boy (forget the fact that she was wearing a dress!)

Then, later on in the afternoon (notice the change in clothes AGAIN--and she changed at least two more times before bed!), she got out a piece of paper, pens, and those scissors again. And she told me, "Look, I'm an artist!"

She also was a majorette twirling around her baton, in her pajamas. But that picture didn't turn out well (and really, none of these did either, but I'm suffering through using a very OLD digital camera while Gary's is on the blink!).

She just cracked me up and made me smile when I definitely needed to!

Now, speaking of smiling and being cracked up . . .

This has got to be one of the most fun websites I've found in a long time. Go to and see pictures of people jumping on hotel beds. It is hysterical!!

And now let's be honest--how many of you jump on the bed when you stay in a hotel? Well, I'm being honest and saying I DO, and I give my kids permission to do so as well! Hey, you only live once!!

So, the owners of the site encourage you to send in your own bed-jumping pictures so I sent in these two of McKenna and Delaney jumping on the beds at our hotel this past summer in Savannah, Georgia.

I just love those pictures!!

So, who knows? Maybe my darling (and MATURE and SERIOUS) children (LOL!) will be featured on sometime soon. I'll have to check it regularly to see!

On this Thursday, take time to remember that even when things seem pretty hopeless, or you're stuck in a depressed funk, or you're just simply frustrated about something . . .


pretend like you're something else,

crack someone up,

go jump on a bed!!!


Andy said...

i love jumping on hotel beds. i think i have a pic of me doing it too. i'll have to find it and post it. :) i love the pic of your daughter as a baseball player. it's to cute

Anonymous said...

those pics are really cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL, too funny! I have a BUNCH of pics like that! LOL

Unknown said...

These are wonderful pictures, what FUN. Kids are little one had a scare yesterday, had to go to the hospital and get x-rays and as I was in the radiology department at the hospital waiting, I was surrounded by so many sick kids and cannot imagine my life w/o my babies, so much joy they bring. All of that joy is represented in these wonderful photos! God bless your day, you're a wonderful MOMMA!

Cheryl Wray said...

Yay, jumping on hotel beds is fun. I'm glad to see that you guys agree with me!!
Amanda--I hate that your little one had to go to the hospital. That is always traumatic. I'm praying he's okay!

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

I love jumping on beds too, infact I did the jumping thing when we got to our hotel in Vegas (Stardust) - It was such fun! heheheh! Loved your post today - Little S looks like she is quite the joker!!!!!!!! Hope you had an enjoyable day?

Anonymous said...

Sydney is just precious! I loved the pictures tody!

Anonymous said...

These pics just make me laugh. That Sydney is something else, isn't she? I love them!


Melissa said...

Sydney is too cute-dressing up ;)

ok I have to admit..I've never done the whole hotel jumping on the bed thing. how sad is that?! but now all I want to do is go to a hotel and jump on the bed after going to that site. lol

Cheryl Wray said...

New Mom--yay for Las Vegas bed jumping!
Melissa--you gotta try it the next time you're at a hotel! You'll be glad you did! HA!
BTW--the bedjump dude emailed me and got the kids names. Their pics are supposed to be on the site soon! How fun!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm, bed jumping in a hotel room... that sounds pretty wierd... :)

OK, it's fun! everyone go to your nearest hotel and jump on the bed now!

Phats said...

Aww your kids are really cute!
I usually substitute kids and enter dogs for the pick me up haha :) Kids under a certain age kind of freak me out.

That site is awesome, I have done flips on hotel beds! I hope your kids make the site

Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest and sassiest softball player I have ever seen!! You are so wise and have a great way with words. I love coming over to visit here.

GERBEN said...

ROFL! I love that first pic! OMG, how cute is she!!!!

Just stopped by that bedjump site. Your girls pics are up! LOL, that is great!

One time when my oldest was about 4, she and hubby went to jumping on a hotel bed. They broke it. Oops!