Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"I'm gonna kick your butt,"
"G-L-A-M...S-D-M-U-V-etc. etc."
& "Holy Gosh!"

Okay, I now know that there is something seriously different from having a three-year-old all by herself in the household or even in the household with a seven-year-old sister, than having one with eleven- and fifteen-year-old sisters.

When McKenna and Delaney were three-years-old, they were singing the "Barney" theme song and telling cute little stories about ponies and rainbows (or, something akin to that!)

But with Sydney things are a tad bit different...

Now, Sydney still loves to watch "The Wiggles" (alas, it's true!), sings "Jesus Loves Me" and tells cute little stories (usually involving penguins, or her super-powered family), but she also shows the tell-tale signs of living with a pre-teen and a teenager in the house.

Take the following two examples from yesterday as cases-in-point.

~ We were driving down the road, after eating at McDonald's, and Sydney was playing with her penguin toy from her Happy Meal when I heard "I'm gonna kick your butt." What did you say? I said, as I tried to stifle a laugh. (I seriously couldn't think of where she might have heard that, when I remembered an old rerun of Spongebob that had been on a few days before. A school bully kept telling Spongebob that he was gonna "kick his butt." And, I'm not kidding you, Sydney remembers EVERYTHING she hears, no matter how long ago it is. She has some sort of photogaphic memory!)

Anyway... I tell her over my shoulder, "We do not say that. It's ugly and I don't want to hear it again." Her response? "I didn't say it." My response? "I heard you say it, and I don't want to hear it again." And then her again: "I didn't say it. My penguin said it." She somehow convinced me that she didn't say the phrase, but her penguin did. She told me to tell the penguin not to say it again, so I'm driving down the road telling a Happy Meal toy: "Penguin, I don't want you to say that again. It's mean and we don't use that word."

~ I really don't know how it's happened, but Fergie (despite my protestations!) has become a favorite singer to just about all of us (well, except for Gary, who prefers country and an occasional Avril Lavigne; lol). I try and listen to contemporary Christian stuff, golden "oldies" (you know, from that glorious decade of the 80s), and I keep the Pop-40 as mild as possible when kids' ears are tuned in, BUT something about summer makes pop music more appealing (you know...driving down the road with the windows down, stuff like that!) and we're listening and singing along to grown people with names like Fergie, Akon, and Rhianna.

Well, I knew I was in serious trouble when Sydney started singing and spelling out "G-L-A-M-"... Am I a bad Mom or what? (But it's also kinda cute, because for the rest of the song she just starts adding random letters to it. "B-V-U-R-D-E-M-S.") I was most afraid that the Parenting Police would stop me when, at Walmart the other day, she was singing at the top of her lungs, "Champagne... champagne...champagne" in the same tune as in the "Glamorous" song. Dang it if she doesn't have that photgraphic memory and some musical ability to boot!

(and, yep, she can sing the song on my sidebar. ~ hangs my head in shame! ~ )

~ She just popped out with this one yesterday... "Holy Gosh!" I actually kinda like that has a snappy ring to it!

So now, I'm going to...

Read Sydney some Bible stories and nursery rhymes,
put in a "Dora" dvd,
give her some goldfish crackers and a glass of milk,
have some serious cuddle time.

Anything to make her young again!!


Adrienne said...

ROFLOL!!!! Too cute!

Kelly said...

yep, some how the word "butt" just doesn't sound right coming out of a 3 year old's mouth! :)

Linda said...

I am totally crackin up now Cheryl. How funny. My youngest daughter was that way when she was that age and still is. How funny. And Fergilicious... well how bad is this... my little doxie's name is Abbielicious and I have been known to sing
A to the B to the BBIELICIOUS
she's abbielicious...but she's ain't promiscuous... I degrade myself. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh that is too funny. I am so in for it, my kids are 15, 12 and 18months!!!!!! The baby is already so much different than the other two were at this age. She is much more headstrong and listens when she feels like it!!


Cheryl Wray said...

Adrienne--She IS cute, that's why it's hard not to laugh when she says things like this!!
Kelly--Nope, it really doesn't!
Linda--I guess that's just how youngest kids are, huh? And the Abbielicious is SO funny!!!!
Heather--Boy, you have kids really spread apart in age too. The little one will grow up so independent and headstrong. Sydney is already that way!!

Karla Dudley said...

O girl! You ARE a good mommy! Until they start cussing and say they are going to 'clock' somebody your strait!!!! Fergie is a stand up gal. I know sometimes music 'sounds' like it could be bad but realy will see that it's all good a lot of the time. And Fergie is a perfect example of just that!

You have fun with your kids antics LOL!!!!

chat soon

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!!! That is SO funny. I bet you are such a fun mom!

Kimberly said...

My kiddos loves those songs too. My oldest Ally is almost nine and she loves the song irreplaceable by Beyonce and knows it by heart. Am I a good mother or what! They are so cute when they sing them... my hubby and I laugh when they sing them. Just can't help it!

Andy said...

that is so stinkin' hilarious. thanks for sharing the going on's in your home. i love it.

Corey said...

That is too funny! My son has that same photographic memory! Must be a 3 year old thing! We mostly listen to country music, so one Sunday we walk into the church nursery and he starts belting out "She thinks my tractor's sexy". I was so embarassed!

Kimberly White said...

Lol -- liked your thoughts about the parenting police! Have a great day! Kim

Cheryl Wray said...

karla--Oh, we all really like Fergie and when I think about th emusic I listened to as a kid (listening to some of Blondie's lyrics that i used to sing when I was like 8; yikes!! My mom must have seriously been worried about me!) It's just funny that Sydney picks up on everything! LOL
Gin--I usually think I'm pretty fun, but I also get a lot of those "rolled eyes, embarrassed by Mom" looks.
Kimberly--It really is too cute!!
Andy--Glad I gave you a laugh! lol
Corey--Okay, the "She Thinks my Tractor's sexy" story is TOO funny! I can totally see Syd doing that! (she knows that song also! lol)
Kimberly--Yep, the Parenting Police could keep busy in my house somedays!!

Cheryl Wray said...

karla--Oh, we all really like Fergie and when I think about th emusic I listened to as a kid (listening to some of Blondie's lyrics that i used to sing when I was like 8; yikes!! My mom must have seriously been worried about me!) It's just funny that Sydney picks up on everything! LOL
Gin--I usually think I'm pretty fun, but I also get a lot of those "rolled eyes, embarrassed by Mom" looks.
Kimberly--It really is too cute!!
Andy--Glad I gave you a laugh! lol
Corey--Okay, the "She Thinks my Tractor's sexy" story is TOO funny! I can totally see Syd doing that! (she knows that song also! lol)
Kimberly--Yep, the Parenting Police could keep busy in my house somedays!!

Anonymous said...



alecia*grimm said...

We totally have this problem at our house too.

TK Angels said...

Your are such a good mom. Hah- I can picture Sydney dancing to Fergie with her sisters.

Maybe bed jumping with to the songs *smile*

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl!!
Thanks for the scrappin' luv you posted on my blog. None of it goes unnoticed. It's hard for me to share but comments make it easier . . . !!!

Southern Heart said...

Your life will never be dull with Sydney! She sounds like my younger son. :)

You've been tagged for your Southern-ness, if you haven't done this one before. Please see my blog...


Anonymous said...

Love this post!! Too funny!
And, oh yeah, I'm rockin to Fergie now!

Anonymous said...

That is preciousilicious!
I remember the day when you wonder 'do I grab the video camera or a switch?'
We have awesome family videos=D

Leah said...

ok.. the random letter after G-L-A-M had me laughing out loud. That's SOO funny!

I heard a 1st grader singing Pink's "You and Your Hand" a few weeks ago.. how do you explain THAT to a kid??!

Adriann said...

Holy Gosh! I'm safe with the pop music because we don't have any teenagers around, but ds likes to go around singing "Get down on it," after I've cleaned up the house listening to the best of Kool and The Gang. What do you think the Parent Police will say about that? LOL!!!

Susie Q said...

Too cute...ooh yes but they are little sponges! Grace sounds just like me when I hear her talking to her little friends. In all the good AND bad ways. And the songs are still mostly High School Musical and Hannah Montana with some 70s and 80s thrown in. She sings all the time!! You should hear the ones she makes up...with all sorts of phrases she picked up from us and, Heaven help me, her brother! Yikes!

You are one of the best Moms I parenting police would dare touch ya!!

Have a fun Thursday!


Cheryl Wray said...

Bobby--You are so funny!! I know that you hear a ton in your house with ALL those kids. Ha!!
Alecia--Good to know I'm not alone! LOL
TK--Oh, there you go! Bed=jumping to Fergie!!!
Dana--I was so glad to find your blog. Your scrappin creations are gorgeous!!
So Heart--I love the tag. i hope I can come up with something creative for it!
Anon--Glad I can help you with some Fergie! lol
Sandi--Preciouslicious!! Now I'M laughing!! Love it!
Leah--Oh my, about the Pink song!! Personally, I love that song but glad I haven't had to try and explain what it means!! lol
Adriann-Holy Gosh!! LOL Good song!!
Susie--You are too sweet! I try and be a good Momma, but sometimes you We also love Hannah Montana of course. I may have to share tomorrow on my blog about Sydney sining HM LOUD in the car today!!

Dawn Bibbs said...

Oh my goodness, that is TOO funny. Don't you just love little kids? Ok, LOVE may be a bit much when they're saying things we don't necessarily want them to say. But in the case of our OWN kids...I guess it's ok. :-) Remember, I too have a little person living in my house and running errands with me. I almost get a little nervouse whenever we go into a store and her mouth opens to speak (insert nailbiting smiley here) hee hee.

Reading your post, it made me think about when I was younger and KC & The Sunshine Band was popular. Remember the infamous, "Shake your booty"? I remember my mom saying, "What is this world COMING to?!? Now you can say BOOTY on the radio?!?" LOL

Thanks for sharing your fun Sydney stories.

She-Ra said...

It's true... those older siblings age the babies too quick!

AngelConradie said...

so kyoooot!!!