Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's Random Tuesday..
and I'm actually posting a fun, random list today!

I've been a Random Tuesday slacker, what with all the busy-ness of last week and the fact that I was posting at really weird times of the day (like at 11 a.m, times like that; I really like to post early in the morning so I can catch everyone from daybreak on. Ha!)

Anyway...I'm back on here this Tuesday and I have a fun one for all of us to participate in. (You know you want to!)

This one goes something like this. Come up with three answers in each category. Easy!


Things I fear: Heights, snakes, something bad happening to a close relative

People who make me laugh: Sydney, the gals on “Designing Women” (caught this show on tv just the other day and reminded me of how funny it was/is!), Ellen Degeneres

Things I love: Really good food, family, traveling

Things I hate: Negative people, mayonnaise, unmade beds

Things I don't understand: Why people get upset about little things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, Why people care about Paris Hilton, Teenagers

Things on my desk: A computer, picture frames with pics of the girls in them, lots of paper

Things I'm doing right now:(actually, I typed this last night around midnight) Typing, thinking I should really go to sleep, eating a toasted croissant topped with Nutella (it is SO yummy you can't even imagine!!)

Things I want to do before I die: Travel as much as possible, write a novel, make a Difference with a capital D!

Shows I watched as a kid: Electric Company, Three’s Company (I still think that John Ritter was one of the funniest guys ever!), Wonder Woman (I WANTED to be her!!)

Things I think you should listen to: That voice inside your head (because usually it’s right), The stories that you hear from older people, the laughter of children (they know what it’s all about!), the Bee Gees (ok, I know that’s four, but I was listening to some of them lately and how much do I still love them?)

Things you should NEVER listen to: Negative people, gossip (although I do fall into its trap a lot of times!), anything that's on tv at like 3 a.m.

Things I'd like to learn: To paint (canvases, not houses), to catch a softball (so I could catch Delaney pitching), to play a musical instrument

Favorite foods: Anything Southern, Anything Italian, and pretty much Anything Else!

Things I can't do: Roll my rrrrrrrs, curl my tongue, watch sitcoms or reality shows when people do embarrassing things or get in uncomfortable situations (I just can’t watch them because I feel so bad for them!)

Things I can do: Stand on my head for an inordinate amount of time, find the positive in just about anything, speak in public, hula hoop (oops that's four, but I think you needed to know I could hula hoop. Didn't you?)

So, you know the drill...

Answer these here in my comments section or link us to your blog where you've posted your answers. This is a FUN one, so I'd love to see some answers from all of you! (But no pressure, okay? lol)


Anonymous said...

Things I fear: failing my family, the death of a loved one, losing my job.

People who make me laugh: Allison, Jane and Meg

Things I love: my family, my job, a good margarita

Things I hate: ignorance, impatience, uptight people

Things I don't understand: obsession with celebrities/hollywood, Quantum Physics, why people are in such a hurry all the time

Things on my desk: (I'm at work) Phones, Monitor, Manuals

Things I'm doing right now: Monitoring the Queue; Laughing at Erick who is dealing with a technically challenged dialup customer; Wishing my stomach would settle down

Things to do before dying: Travel, Witness my daughters receiving their PHd's and meet my grandchildren

Shows I watched as a kid: Buck Rogers, Happy Days, The Six Million Dollar Man

Thing You Should listen to: The stories of those older than you; The Weather Man (i got soaked this a.m.); The band Cowboy Mouth

Things you should NEVER listen to: Promises from Politicians, Informercials, Rap Music

Things I'd like to learn: Spanish; to play the guitar; the history of Hawaii

Favorite foods: Pizza, Italian, Mexican, Chinese

Things I can't do: eat anything ending with the word melon; drive a stick shift; understand women

Things I can do: Fix a computer; sing; swim

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I was first!!

Mississippi Songbird said...

This looks like fun.. I'll have to do this on my blog. thanks so much for the idea. have a great Tuesday...

Brown English Muffin said...

I love reading these things!! TFS

Kimberly said...

Thing I fear- snakes, snakes and did I mention snakes.

People who make me laugh- my hubby, my kids, and watching the news about dumb celebs.

Things i love- God, Family and friends.

Things i hate- ignorance, stuck up people, and subborn people

Things i don't understand- how someone can mistreat children or anybody for that matter. How I can be so forgetful and i can't understand men.

Things on my desk- computer, checkbook and bills.

Things i am doing right now- listening to the kids watching Toy story, washing clothes, and checking blogs.

Things to do before dying- raise three good Christian kids, travel more, and (one day)rock my grandchildren to sleep.

Shows I watched as a kids- wonder woman, Hee Haw, and Different stokes.

Things you should listen to- God, your heart, and Allison Kraus.

Things you should never listen to- advice from famous folks, your head and negative people.

Things I would like to learn- how to cook better, more patience and how to sew.

Favorite foods- backyard grilled hamburger with all the fixins, pizza and chocolate.

Things i can't do- public speaking, drink milk(it doesn't like me) and eat celery.

Things i can do- fix supper, help with homework, talk on the phone, and all at the same time. LOL!

LZ Blogger said...

I lovew this one! "find the positive in just about anything"... now that is a trait we should ALL have! ~ jb///

Anonymous said...

These are SO fun, and I love reading everyone's answers.
I agree on the unmade beds and Wonder Woman. We're from the 70s huh?
There is NO way I could stnad on my head.

Dawn Bibbs said...

Ok, I'm game. Here goes:

3 things I fear - failure, dying and leaving my children without a mother & being homeless

3 people who make me laugh - Jayla, Donkey on Shrek & Jayla :-).

3 things I love - my husband, my kids & my life

3 things I hate - (I don't like the word hate. So I'll say things I don't like) - mean people, when people don't say "Thank you" & when a child is sick

3 things I don't undertand - teenagers, men & as Ryan said, people's obsession with celebrities

3 things on my desk - assuming I could actually SEE my desk, I'd say, magazines, the phone and the plate from the sandwich I just ate

3 things I'm doing right now - commenting on Cheryl's blog, thinking of answers & listening to That's So Raven in the background (AGAIN!)

3 things I want to do before I die - Travel to Hawaii, see my kids' families & be TOTALLY debt free

3 shows I watched as a kid - The Carol Burnett Show, Little House on the Prairie & cartoons

3 things I think you should listen to - God when He speaks to you, your dog when he has to go outside & love songs

3 things you should NEVER listen to - negativity, hard rock music & politicians

3 things I'd like to learn - how to play the piano, how to be more organized and how not to take things so personally, oh and speak spanish (I know that's 4 things...but Cheryl did it too! hee hee)

3 favorite foods - shrimp, pasta & chocolate (chocolate IS a food, isn't it?)

3 things I can't do - watch scarey movies, watch myself or my kids get shots & find a post office near my house..lol

3 things I can do - talk, type & love unconditionally

That was fun!

Unknown said...

As always, fun things to do, see and read about. I hope you and your family enjoy a fun, restful and safe summer. xox

Southern Heart said...

Great list! You are a fun and interesting friend. I always enjoy your Tuesdays... :)



Jeff said...

Things I fear: spiders, clowns, the idea of being trapped in the subway

People who make me laugh: Will (he can be way too funny!), Jonathan (who is a hockey friend with a really dry wit), all of the Simpsons

Things I love: Will, my mom, playing hockey

Things I hate: Negative people, people who don't do what they say they will, traffic

Things I don't understand: celebrity obssessed culture, reality TV that is mean-spiritied, the state of the world

Things on my desk: computer, pile of bills, stacks of paper

Things I'm doing right now: Watching "Road Tasted" on the Food Network, reading email on Blackberry while I work on these answers, surfing iTunes to see what else is new today.

Things I want to do before I die: Travel more, be my own boss, bungee jump

Shows I watched as a kid: Lost In Space, Ultraman, Arc II

Things I think you should listen to: your spouse, beautiful music (whatever that is for you), silence (at least every once in a while).

Things you should NEVER listen to: mean people, angry people, fox news channel

Things I'd like to learn: to dance, to play drums, graphic arts

Favorite foods: bisucts & gravy, mac & cheese, pesto

Things I can't do: (see list of things I want to learn)

Things I can do: play hockey, public speaking, work computers pretty well

nikki peterson said...

here's mine! thanks cheryl!

Cheryl Wray said...

Ryan--I love your: margaritas, ignorance (amen!), why people are in a hurry, and ha about the weather guy! And you're not SUPPOSED to understand women! Love it!
Songbird--Can't wait to read yours!
Muffin--I love DOING them (glad someone likes to read them! lol)
Kimberly--We'll never understand men. We might as well just give up on that! lol And I see you don't like snakes! Great answers all around!!!

Cheryl Wray said...

Lz--It truly is something I try and do and I'm usually pretty good at it! I figure--why be negative when we can't really control most of the things that get us down? And if we can control them, well I'm gonna try and get something done about it! I'm definitely a glass half FULL person!
Gin--I literally used to stand on my head for 2o minutes. I can't do it as long now, but I can still some. LOL
Dawn--Chocolate is ABSOLUTELY a food and I hear "That's so Raven" in the background a lot too! ha!

Cheryl Wray said...

Dawn--I hope you have a wonderful summer too!
Southern heart--Thanks!! I love coming up with these things!
Jeff--I could've put clowns too. I'm way afraid of them also! You are SO a multi-tasker, doing all of that at the same time. And HA on the Fox News!There is NO WAY I could be talked into bungee jumping!!!
Nikki--yay!! Going to read yours right now!!

Mandy said...

Well, mine almost ended up being a random Wednesday post..I didn't realize it was so late. Had fun doing it though.

Susie Q said...

I LOVE your random Tuesdays! I want to do this list as a post so will try to have it up by Thursday. : )

I love your answers, as always....Paris Hilton?? Now, who is that? Is she someone famous? For what? *Sue ducks Cheryl's thrown shoe*

Have a great Wednesday dear heart!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

thanks for the game and the comment. Here are my answers:



Crazy Working Mom said...

What a great post! :)

You hate mayonaise!?! What in the world for?

Cheryl Wray said...

Mandy--Fun! Going to read yours!!
Susie--Ha ha!! Now don't tell me you've been living under a rock for a year!! Can't wait to read your answers!
Heather--Ooh, yay! going to read yours right now!
CWM--I CAN'T STAND mayonnaise. Literally, it's almost like I'm afraid of it. The texture or the smell or something. Yuuck-o!!!! (Sorry, i know I'm weird!)

Andy said...

mine's comming on my blog soon. just a slacker today.

Anonymous said...

Things i fear:a death of a very close relative.

People who make me laugh:My friend, Rebecca, shows like hannah montana,and scout.

Things i love:Family, Friends,softball,Hannah Montana,and a nice cold frozen drink.

Things i hate:Stuck up people,Paris Hilton,and losing.

Things i dont understand:How people could like paris Hilton and how people could like soccer.

Things on desk:notebooks,magazines,and pictures in frames.

things im doing right now:typing,talkin, and watching stupid tv shows that my mom likes.

Things to do before dying:Go to paris, play softball for a college, and live to be very old.

shows i watched as a kid: well, since i am a kid right now, lately ive been wathing Hannah Montana, Baseball, and alot of disney shows.

things you should listen to: your heart, your parents, and good songs without too bad language.

things you should never listen to: bad music,un-wise people's advice.

things id like to learn:French,how to cook other things besides cereal and sandwiches.

favorite foods:spagetti,icecream,cheesecake, and chicken fingers.

things i cant do:buy expensive things, drive,and drink alohol(who would want to)

things i can do:Play softball,sing, and run fast.