Monday, June 11, 2007

On this day, eleven years ago...

two weeks late,
after hours and hours of some pretty tough labor
(and Gary begging doctors, nurses, and assorted medical professionals to get me some relief "or else!" lol),
we had a wonderful little baby enter our lives,
and we've never been the same!

Today, our sweet Delaney Elizabeth turns 11 years old!!

It's really hard to believe that it's been 11 years since she was born. Since the moment that Gary held her for the first time (and looked, I think, the most surprised by the love he could feel!)

It's really hard to believe that Delaney is getting so big and growing up so fast. I know--from my experience seeing McKenna turn into a young lady overnight--that these years go by so fast. So, I must treasure them every day!

On this day,
I realize that Delaney is a special kind of joy. She is a marvelously talented, smart, and beautiful girl. She is also my most challenging of children. I will freely admit that I have to work hardest on my relationship with her. She is so stubborn and strong-willed (she takes after her Pop! lol) and we butt heads on a regular basis. But the reward for the work are those nights that she lingers with her hugs and tells me that she loves me (she may be my most stubborn, but she is also my most demonstrative and a night doesn't go by that I don't get at least three or four "I love you"s. That is VERY special and one of my favorite things about her!)

She is... smart, pretty, athletic, dramatic, full-throttled (she does nothing half-way), kind-hearted, and sensitive. You always know where you stand with her; if she's mad, boy do you know it! If she's sad, you know it just as well. She loves lost causes and roots for the underdog. She would eat ice cream everyday for breakfast, if she could get away with it.

She's my sweet Birthday Girl! And I love her!!!

So...Happy Birthday Delaney!! We will party this week like it's 1999 this week and celebrate BIG!!!

Now... how about a weekend update? (You know you want it!! ha!!)

We headed up to Huntsville (about an hour and a half away) on Friday afternoon for a softball tournament with Delaney's team. At the same time, I knew that I'd have to come back around 11 that night to Birmingham to pick up McKenna from the airport. She had a wonderful time in Europe, but was just about ready to be back home. I told her she could go to her grandparents, take a shower, and sleep, but she said she wanted to be with us! (She is very adventurous, but she even admitted that she missed us all! lol)

Well...that afternoon, I got a call from McKenna saying that there were weather problems in Detroit (where they were flying from NYC) and all flights were cancelled. They had to go to La Guardia (they'd been at JFK) and sleep overnight in the airport! (We later learned, and saw on CNN, that weather was not the problem, but actually a computer glitch.)

She ended up sleeping just for about three hours on a luggage cart and then flew out the next morning. She arrived in Birmingham around noon, and I drove her back up to Huntsville with the rest of us. (Where she promptly put a sleeping bag on the top row of bleachers and slept for about three hours!! lol)

She had a WONDERFUL trip, as did my Mom. They had so many great stories to tell (and, thank goodness, Mom made it even with her weak health!!) and already said they were ready to go back!!

McKenna brought home more than 700 pictures and I plan on sharing some of them with you all tomorrow!!!

In the meantime, here are a few pics from our weekend!

(of course, we had to do some bed-jumping! I was excited to finally get Gary in action ...)

(a few action shots of Delaney...)

(McKenna getting a little bit of shut-eye...)

(Sydney with her friends Clayton, who she calls her "boyfriend" and who I officially saw kiss her this weekend, lol; and with her best buddy Anna...

(we got a much-needed shower and when it cleared, we had a gorgeous sunset on Friday night...)

(and a little teaser for tomorrow...)

Hope you all had a great weekend as well! I hope to get to some blogs this morning and check out everyone's activities going on right now!! Then...I've got to get down to business...because I have an EXTREMELY busy week coming up! Tomorrow, we are doing a get-together with some of Delaney's best friends and I've got to do some planning for it! Then, I've got a TON Of stuff to do to get ready for our writer's conference this weekend. It will be a busy, busy week and I'm just crossing my fingers right now that I will survive!

The good news is that in the midst of all the busy-ness and activities are such HAPPY times that it's all completely worth it!! Delaney's birthday, a visit from my grandmother, uncle, and cousins (who are coming to the conference), and just some good family time. NOTHING better than that!!

So...I'm taking a deep breath and diving into this week!!

See ya again soon!


Adrienne said...

Great post Cheryl! Happy B'day D!!! And I still say you have lost your mind! LOL, glad McKenna had a good time and made it back safely!!! Gary looks so funny jumping!!!! Tee hee

Jada said...

Sounds and looks like you had wonderful weekend.I like all your photos.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Oh, so sweet! I got teary eyed reading that post.
Happy Birthday to your sweetie! I know I've said it before, but it's her birthday so I'll say it again, she is SO adorable!!!

Those pictures of you guys jumping on the bed were TOO FUNNY!!

Ya'll have a great week, and I hope Delaney has a great day!

Renee said...

Happy Birthday to Delaney! She sounds a lot like my 11-year-old.

TK Angels said...

What a great weekend. LOVE the bed jumping. Way to go Gary!

Happy Birthday to Delaney!

Take care,

Susie said...

Fun pictures! Happy Birthday to Delaney! Have a great week :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DELANEY!!!! hope she has a wonderful day!

~Telah said...

Happy Birthday Delaney! Loved all the pics...sounds like a busy weekend as usual!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. Amazing pictures. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Delaney!

Adriann said...

What a sweet Birthday message to Delaney...

Happy Birthday!!!

As usual, sounds like a fab weekend. The sunset was beautiful.

Thanks for the Eiffel Tower pic. I'm not longer jealous. LOL!!!

Have a fab weekend.


Cheryl Wray said...

Adrienne--Yep, watching over 10 kids at Visionland should be fun!!! D can't wait though!
CWMom--Delaney really is such a sweetheart! We are crazy bed jumpers!! lol
Renee-I think ALL 11-year-olds must be a challenge!!
TK--LOL about Gary!!
Susie--Thanks! Yo uhave a great one too!

Cheryl Wray said...

Gin--She is already having a great day! We are partying!
Telah--Busy, as usual! But good!
Maria--Thanks for the birthday wishes! So sweet!
Adriann--McKenna said that Paris was great, but she really loved England a lot more! But she said that the Eiffel Tower was gorgeous at night; they twinkle the lights at every hour!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Delaney. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

Love that John Mayer song you have playing. He's great!

Southern Hospitality

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Delaney!!!! You are getting soooo old. Just think, next year you'll be 36!!! :P
Have any of you ever hit your heads on the ceiling when doing the bed jumping thing?
Can't wait to see the pics of McK's vacation. Bring them on! :D

Redhead Editor said...

I used to think I would miss each stage as my girls grew up, but instead I have reveled in each milestone and enjoyed them even more as they became young women. It's obvious you feel the same way. Is that red hair I see on that baby???

Anonymous said...

Great post, Cheryl! Happy birthday to your sweetie.

Susie Q said...

What a sweet and special weekend!!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELANEY!!!! 11 is a super age so just enjoy this year and have oodles of fun and hug your wonderful Mom!!

Busy is okay if it is a FUN busy so enjoy each moment!


Phats said...


Bed jumping pictures of you and Gary are HILARIOUS!!! All gary needs is a red cape and tights and he's superman! hahahaha

Dawn Bibbs said...

Hi Cheryl, I'm such a slacker. I came back about 3 times yesterday to read your blog and everytime, I got distracted and forgot to comment. Still don't think I read it all yet :-(.

But I wanted to wish Delaney a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it was awesome!!

And Cheryl, I LOVE the pix of you and your crew jumping on the hotel beds. That is hilarious to me. LOVE the one of Gary...priceless!!

Gotta run, you've got more reading material for me :-).

~grey said...

I loved your comments and thoughts about your daughter. Too often we don't express ourselves.
We are lucky to have daughters!

I laughed out loud at Gary's pic! tooooo funny!!!
He looks like he is going to hurt himself... that must be his superman pose... LOL

Gretchen said...

Very sweet post about your dtr. My eight year old teenage daughter turns 9 on Tuesday, and my son will be 11 next month. I get terribly nostalgic at each b'day for them. So fleeting. Love the bed-jumping pictures, too. Nearly LIVE action! :)

AngelConradie said...

happily happily (belated) birfdaze delaney!
from angel in south africa!