Friday, July 27, 2007

God is in the little things....

For the past week, I've been a bit of a worry-wart. I've had a number of things to worry about--most of them revolving around either money or trying to get a big pile of "stuff" done. Just two days ago I was stressing over getting McKenna registered for school after I found out at the last minute that she had to have her immunization record updated and I had two days to get it done. Just a few days before that I was worried about the pile of bills that had been piling up ever higher.

Those of you who come by here and visit often probably have an impression of me as a very positive person. And that assessment is true! I am a definite "half glass full" kind of gal. I always try and look at the bright side of most any situation. But, of course, even those of us who live on the sunny side of life have those days when worry gets the best of us.

In my years down this road called life (almost 40! not as much as a lot of you, but still enough that I've learned a thing or two! lol), I have learned something that eventually gets me through those moments. I've learned that there's always Someone I can go talk to about my worries. I've learned that, as "big" as my worries might seem to me, they're really quite small in the grand scheme of things... BUT, they're not too small that I can't ask God to help me with them. I've learned that, yes, God wants to know about the people who are seriously sick or about those BIG decisions I'm trying to make. But, let's face it. That's not what my everyday life is all about. It's about losing my car keys, and bickering with my husband, and worrying that my daughter has friends, and paying for color guard, and getting an appointment for an immunization shot. It's about all those small things, and they seem to matter to Him (because I've seen a ton of answers to problems just like these over the years).

I know that a lot of you who visit here are Christians, but also that many of you aren't. That's okay. Either way, I just want you to realize that you don't have to go things alone. There's always an open ear out there.

When I was thinking last night about how grateful I am for this knowledge, I got a bit inspired and sat down to write how I felt about it in poem-form.

So, here I am about to share a poem with you all. (This is a bit stretching out of my comfort zone...but I'm sharing it anyway. Because I've begun to feel like I can share this sort of stuff with all of you. :-)

(I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will see you on Monday!)

"in it"

in the crying,
in the laughing.
in the worrying,
in the playing.
in the doubting,
in the loving.

in the asking,
in the waiting.

in the in-betweens,
in the way-up-highs,
in the way-down-lows.

in the moments of surrender.
in the turning aways.

in the faces,
in the glances,
in the kisses.

in the husbands,
in the daughters.

in the seconds,
in the minutes,
in the hours,
in the days,
in the years,
in the lives,
in the forevers.

in the every,
in the all,
you are there.
you are in it.
and you tell me--it matters.


Adrienne said...


Jeff said...

Thanks for the poem. It was a great way to get started this morning!

Nina Diane said...

awesome.......thanks for sharing!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

A great poem~ as we get into the busy weekend.
Have a wonderful one!

Anonymous said...

So pretty! and so true too!

Unknown said...

great job C!

Kimberly said...

Love it..have a great weekend.

Mandy said...

Very beautifully said! Have a great weekend.

Leah said...

Very sweet poem! So glad you shared it.

Anonymous said...

(Fan from IL-again)
It’s always refreshing to read you, not only because you do remind me of my mom, but because you are witness (as I am - and a lot of other folks out there) of the fact that God has blessed us with the grace of Faith. If it were not for Faith, where would we be in our lives? Or better yet, would we be? If only everyone would choose to know God and communicate with Him, they would not despair. I truly think that all good and bad things in our lives have a reason to be. We live, learn and grow stronger with that. I leave you with this quote from Henry Ward Beecher: “Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.” I am happy to see you, too, choose Faith always!
PS: Glad you are feeling comfortable enough to share these sorts of things with us.

Melissa said...

Great poem...
I know what you mean abou the worrying. I have my fair share of worries right now. Work and Family are right on top.

But, then something a friend sent to me always ops in my head: If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.


Anonymous said...

So true, Cheryl. And you said it so eloqently. I really appreciate it today!

Dawn Bibbs said...

Awww, Cheryl, that's beautiful. The poem and the post.

If you're remember from my 8 facts, I'm a worrier. I KNOW that God is in control and will get us through what WE consider hard times or hard decisions. But being that I AM only human, that's still a hard pill to swallow sometimes. I would love not to have to worry about the things that I worry about. But just knowing that HE is there and He DOES awesome and comforting.

Thank you for sharing, yet another REAL part of you and your life.

ScrappinMyRoots said...

Wow Cheryl!!! That's beautiful... It reminds me of that old spirtual that says "many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand, but I know who holds the future and I know who holds my hand"... Thanks for the lovely poem!

Wendy said...

Hey Cheryl...Is God so cool or what??? He has been with me every step of my life and I could not have made it this far without his hands holding onto mine. I am a CHRISTIAN and so proud to say it!! I am a usually sunny person, but we do have our moments. You are right about that. You are awesome. Love your poem. Huggs, Wendy

AngelConradie said...

wow- i didn't know you wrote poetry as well!!! its exquisite- and i could definitely do with some reminding every now and then!

Betty Jo said...

. . . and "in the friends." Your poem is awesome. It says so much, and touches my heart in a special way, as a precious reminder of Father's continuous presence. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

Cheryl Wray said...

You are all SO sweet! Thanks for popping by and commenting on this post! I do love to write poetry, although most of it is really BAD :-) But it is a way I love to capture my feelings on paper.
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!! We are!!

Andrea Frazer said...

Don't say your stuff is bad, girl. Remember the end of your poem? It matters.

Loreluca said...

Love it Cheryl! You are so, so right! And no, it is NOT a bad poem. I like it, and I have to tell you, I have very good taste!
Like you, I believe in bugging the Good Father with just about everything. The Lord always cares.

God bless!

Unknown said...

Hey Mama P and Loreluca--You two are so sweet!
No, THIS poem I actually liked. But some of my OTHER stuff is pretty bad. LOL I won't be sharing any of those! lol
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!!

Cheryl Wray said...

Oopsie daisy..that was me and NOt Gary. lol!! The hazards of using his laptop since mine is causing me fits right now!! :-)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Very sweet post, Cheryl! What a beautiful reminder of who God is to all of us.


Petrina McDonald said...

Hi Cheryl - I just popped by to say thank you for visiting my blog and now that I am here I am having a look around and yes - I like what I see. Love your work and your adventurous spirit - but most of all I love this poem - WOW! This is amazing - and oh so honest and true. You are right. He is here for us whenever we ask for help - and even when we don't.
Love, P

Renee said...

Thanks for sharing that, Cheryl. I so much know exactly what you mean. On our trip to NYC, I asked for help from God many times, just for little things. And He came through every time.