After our last game on Friday night, we headed out to the cozy Motel 6 where we were spending the evening. Gary noticed that a police car pulled in behind us and followed us for the three or four miles down the road. He never turned on his siren, though, and we couldn't think of anything we might have done. So, Gary figured, it must simply be a friendly Gadsden City Cop riding conveniently behind us.
When we turned into the motel parking lot, the friendly cop pulled in right behind us. And then when we pulled into a parking space, he pulled in behind us. I got out, interested in what he was going to tell us. Maybe we had a broken tail light and he was going to just give us a warning? Maybe he was just randomly driving around, welcoming softball players and their families to his fair city? Maybe he was staying himself at the lovely Motel 6 overnight?
Nope, none of the above.
He began laughing when me, Gary, Sydney, and then Delaney piled out of the truck (remember, if you will: my car is still in the shop, my old car has no air conditioning, Gary's main truck won't run, so we are driving Gary's older Ranger which is soon to be McKenna's vehicle).
"Well, I guess you aren't the guy," he said. "We had an attempted robbery at the Sonic tonight by a blue Ranger with a blue cooler in the truck bed."

Yep, we had a blue cooler sitting in the bed of our blue Ranger. So we looked amazingly like the geniuses who'd tried to rob Sonic of all its cash, tater tots, and slushies earlier in the night.

The policeman said he realized we weren't the attempted robbers when he saw "the girl with the softball uniform on." We laughed with him for a few minutes and told him we'd been at the softball park all night. So, really, there was no way we were also responsible for the attempted-chili-dog-heist.
It gave us a good story for the rest of the weekend, and I even considered circling the Sonic parking lot a few times when I went the next day to get lunch.
In other news (almost as exciting as the Sonic story!), we ended up having a pretty dramatic softball tournament (which is, usually, how our team likes to do things!). On Friday night, we lost both of our pool play games and then we lost our first elimination-round games on Saturday. Yep, we were 0-3 and not feeling very good about ourselves. The hitting just wasn't happening and we made a few important errors in the field.
I laughingly told a few of the girls, "Now, we've got them right where we want them." (Positive reinforcement is always better, I believe, than making the team feel any worse about themselves!) And, honestly, we have gotten ourselves into the losers bracket many other times before and then clawed-and-dragged our way out of it. So, hope was not lost!
And, wouldn't you know it? We came back and won our next two games and got ourselves into the championship round. We had to beat the other team twice (since it was a double elimination tournament). The first game against the team was SO exciting; it was a seven-inning game and it was tied the whole game through. It was 6-6 going into the seventh inning, and we ended up scoring two. Then, the other team got on the field and got bases loaded...with NO outs. They had the chance to win it all right there, but then...a pop fly that was caught, a ground-out that was thrown home, and then another pop fly to short stop for the third out.
By now, it was 10:30 PM (yes, PM) and the girls--and parents--were all very excited! But...we had to play a final game. It turned out to be sorta anti-climatic and we lost it, but I think our girls had pretty much used up all their energy in that first game.
Although we were sad to lose, I do think that the tournament taught all of us that you can never give up! There is always a chance to come back, even when you don't think there is. I was very proud of Delaney and all the girls!
So... here are a few pictures from the tournament, of Delaney fielding...
An individual picture of Delaney and a team picture that we will submit to the World Series (that we're going to in just three weeks!)...
And I really like this picture because it shows Sydney's team spirit too, in her Mustangs t-shirt. (Of course, my eyes are closed in it, so just ignore me!)...
and then, after we got home from the tournament (we pulled into our driveway at 2:10 AM!!!), we got up on Sunday (skipped church! Bad Mom!), and then went to a birthday party for my nephew, Garrett. Here he is with his Pokemon cake...
And then my favorite pictures of the day, as Garrett, Delaney, and Sydney all had to try on his new Indiana Jones fedora...
And comes another week (can you believe it's almost July?).
Super job on the softball field, Delaney!
And I lurve the Indiana Jones hat!
Blessings on your week.
Oh, I donno. You ALL look like hardened crim'nals to me. I think he just missed a clean arrest!!!
LOL! That is too funny! It sounds like something I would stumble into.
Way to go Delaney!
That story about the cop/truck/sonic/blue cooler is HILARIOUS Cheryl but it's probably better you did not drive there!
I can't believe it's almost July but i'll be glad when August is over. The heat is HORRIBLE.
I don't know. Y'all look like a bunch of tator tot bandits to me.
That Sonic story is so funny. Sounds like something that would happen to me.
LMAO! It's Butch Cassidy (Gary), Annie Oakley (Cheryl) and the Sundance kidsssss ;-)
Oh My,
You guys sure have fun. I love, love, love the policeman story. Too bad you weren't all wearing an Indy hat. Cool pics of the kiddos wearing the hat.
Glad you had a good weekend.
~hippo hugs~
Sounds like the girls did REALLY well!! It is so much fun to come back when you are behind. They really have something to be proud of. Love the pictures with the "hat". How cute those kids are. I miss mine being little. I spent the weekend in our camper with Anna, it was so much fun. I dread the day she doesn't want to spend time with me. I loved the post about church people. You have a great way with words! Have a good week friend.
Gretchen--Blessings to you too!!
Lynilu-- haha!! yep, we are one tough family!!!
Patti--The whole thing was just hilarious!!!! The heat is pretty bad here too, but I love summer too much!
Travis--That's us, the Tater Tot Bandits!!
Gin--It WAS funny!
King--Okay, that comment is hysterical. I may have to start calling ourselves by those names!
P--hee hee. The Indy hats would have been perfect for the occasion!
Cheryl--You're right!! Coming from behind is always rewarding (of course, they were just upset that they didn't win first place!) So sweet that you and Anna got to spend time together. Daughters are great!
Cheryl ~ The message I get here is... "When ever in Gadsden City cover up the blue cooler!" ~ jb///
That sonic story is so funny!!!
OH HELL NO! No robbing Sonic allowed. I LIVE for their onion rings and chili dogs (we don't have A&W's here, life stinks)
Delaney looks like a natural on that softball field!
We actually had a respite from the heat today. It's been raining since's down to a tolerable 76. So what do I go and do? PLAN A TRIP TO S FLA WHERE IT IS HOT HOT HOT.
Hint? Ditch the blue cooler and opt for a generic white one. Maybe the coppers won't spot you next time! LOL.
Too funny about the chili dog heist!!! LOL!
I love how you teach your daughter wonderful life lessons through sports. WTG mom and Delaney!!!
LZ--I'm so glad you got the message I was trying to get across. LOL
Michelle--There are only two A&Ws in the Birmingham area, and of course they are on the OTHER side of town. So, Sonic has to do (but we do love their cream slushes and chili dogs. Yummm...:-)
Adriann--That's one reason I love youth sports so much. There is SO much to learn! (and the fact that I love competition of any sort. lol)
HAHAHAH Too funny about Sonic!!!!
That is way to funny about Sonic.
Good job coming back in the tourney though!!!!
Who in the world would try a Sonic heist? That's hysterical.
Congrats to the girls!!
I love it, Cheryl. Your life is full of adventure, thats for sure.
Adrienne--It was crazy!!
Jeff-- :-)
Jenster--That's what we thought! I guess Sonic could have a lot of money lying around, but it's still an interesting place to choose to rob!
Marg--Yep, always something exciting going on. lol
OMG on the Sonic story. I think I'd freak if a police cruiser had been following me that long. I think I'd start thinking that he wasn't really a police officer and when I finally stopped I'd floor it or something and get myself into trouble! lol
Nice pics and good job to the girls on the team.
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