[I was all set to upload and post my latest "A Week in the Life" pictures last night, but I fell asleep in Sydney's room and didn't wake up until 3 am. (Ugh!) Once I trudged back into our room, I decided I could wait until this morning to get it done.]
Our Friday started out as a rainy morning, which made it perfect for cinnamon toast and hot chocolate, reading my Alabama sports updates online, curling up with some editing work, and washing some clothes (even Chit Chatter Cat stayed indoors all morning)...
But once a rainy morning turns into a clear midday, it's time to go jump in some water puddles...
(have you noticed that Sydney has worn the same pair of black boots ALL week long, in all of her pictures? These were the boots we got back on Monday at the thrift store. She loves them!)
The afternoon involved trying to help out a back and a toothache, picking up Delaney from school (she had a student council meeting), going by to talk to McKenna, and buying my favorite coke...
Friday night in our hometown means high school football.I finally got some good pictures of McKenna in their halftime show performance. (Look at her in the spotlight location, on the 50 yard line, at the end of the show. She did so great!)...
And the evening ends with a bedtime story (Sydney stayed home with Gary during the football game...she's not a big fan of paying attention to a game for two hours...and then talked him into reading several of her new books)...
I hope you all had a wonderful Friday and a wonderful week. I have had such a great time doing this "A Week in the Life" project and would encourage any of you to do something similar to it. Only two more days to go on it.
And, now, what are my weekend plans?
Today is a monumental day, as it's the first Saturday all season that I won't be heading down to Tuscaloosa for the Bama home game. I gave up my tickets, because there are three activities going on with the girls today that I decided I needed to be at (Sydney's championship medal ceremony, Delaney's softball tournament, and McKenna's color guard competition). But answer me this? Why in the world would anyone plan a competition routine right in the middle of an Alabama game? McKenna's high school's band performs right in the middle of the game, so I will be listening to it on the radio and then coming home and rewatching it from my DVR.
So...around 2:30 this afternoon...yell out a big ROLL TIDE for me!! We are currently #2 in the nation and today's game against Ole Miss may turn out be more difficult than many think. We need to keep winning!!
Let me leave you with a quote that I think really applies to this project I've been doing...
John Lennon once wrote, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Maybe we shouldn't all be so busy looking toward tomorrow, or next week, or next year. When you don't stop and enjoy all of those little things that happen as they're reading a good book, or enjoying that bite of pasta, or laughing with a friend, or jumping in a rain're missing out on what's important right now.
So...enjoy this moment right now. And be intentional today about enjoying some small moment.
Hi Friend,
I'm going to start my "day in the life" tomorrow, so watch for it. Have a great weekend. I'm just loving your pics.
~hippo hugs~
:) Had a terrific Friday! It marked one week of my daughter's vacation with me. Tell you though, we are having cinnamon toast in the morning - that sounded too good :)
Hej, Cheryl!
I have not been "by" in a month of Sundays, but I was visiting Tiffany and saw you consoling her on the Cowboys' loss...EWWWW! LOL! My favorite teams are The Pittsburgh Steelers and who ever beats the Cowboys, lol!!! nanana nanah! Gina
Loved that cinnamon toast and doesn't she look sweet in that flag twirlers costume! I also did that in high school!
you and I are too much alike it's scary
I would ask the same thing why would people plan stuff during a Purdue event?! how rude? haha
I didn't see any of Bama's game, I was driving home from Evanston. We sucked it up, and to be truthful I am just in "i don't care anymore when does basketball start" mode
Omg! Those pictures of S in the puddles are adorable. Love them! (youve done a great job all week with this).
Hey I just looked at this again, does Gary know you have your hand in a Pepsi machine??? Isn't that considered cheating?
I LOVE the picture of Sydney jumping in the puddles with her back to you, and you see the Disney princesses on the umbrella! TOO CUTE!
You got some great shots through out the day! I am really thinking about trying this project. I was over at Ali's blog checking out the book she put together! Can't wait to see yours!
I loved all of your pictures! What a great idea it was!
The other day when it rained, I wore my rain boots too!
Everyone needs to splash in the puddles sometimes.
Pam--Oh, YAY!!! I'm so excited that you're going to do this project, and can't wait to see your photos everyday. It's definitely an undertaking, but it's really fun (and meaningful)to do!
Isadora--Great to see you stop by! And, mmmm, cinnamon toast is good. We have it for breakfast a lot! :-)
Jersey--LOL That is so funny about your hate of the Cowboys. I know that there's a lot of hate for them, but I've been a fan of them since birth! :-)
Phats--I am SO sorry that Purdue did so poorly. I was really surprised!! (But, you're have a good basketball season to look forward to! And you know? Bama is supposedly going to be good at bball too. I sure hope so!)
Gin--Thanks! (I LOVE how the puddle pictures turned out!)
Phats again--LOL You're right...but he knows to not mess with me about it. I LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper and, down here, it's a Pepsi product so I HAVE to buy it!!!! He just ignores it!!
Kathy--That one is my very FAVORITE picture too. I love how it turned out!! And, you should definitely do this project too. You'd love it! And I've already got some ideas of the book I want to make to preserve all these pictures. I hope to get it done this week.
Kat--Thanks! I'm really glad I did it!
Sandi--I am ALL ABOUT jumping in puddles!
hey cheryl!
I love that you did the week in the life project! wasn't it fun?
LOVE those puddle splashing pics!!!
what a great day! always enjoy coming here and reading your thoughts Cheryl :)
love those photos of your Sweetie jumping in the puddles!
wishing you a Wonderful Week and have a Great Day everyday :)
I am enjoying this so much!!!!
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