I'm playing catch-up today for my "A Week in the Life" project, so I'm posting pictures from both Saturday and Sunday.
I have SO enjoyed doing this project and would recommend that anyone try something similar. Take pictures of your daily life; or journal everyday about your normal routine; or take both pictures AND write it all down.
I really think it will be great to look back one day on this record of our lives here, in mid-October, in 2008. It was a very normal week...a lot of softball, and band practice, and homework, and church, and doing laundry, and writing, and eating, and hanging out with friends and family. The week didn't include some things--like date night with Gary, or girls night out with my friends, or spending time with my parents, or even an Alabama football game (I didn't go to the first one all season long) that are actually a pretty regular part of my life--but that's okay, because that's what life is all's an adventure that's never really what you expect from day-to-day.
And, sure, it's full of big, exciting moments (birthdays! vacations! holidays!), but it's filled with many more small moments...small moments that are really precious beyond understanding.
So, then, here are my last two days of my "A Week in the Life" project. (I hope you've enjoyed sharing it with me as much as I'd enjoyed sharing them with you!)
Saturday's moments included...
Gary and Delaney getting up early to head out of town for a softball tournament (they left the house before 7), and then McKenna heading out to guard practice at 10. The rest of the day was Mommy & Scout time. After sleeping in a bit, we had Sydney's closing ceremonies for fall softball. She got the biggest cheers of the day, when she ran out to get her medal; her purse was hanging from her arm and she was just about the smallest girl out there. Too cute!
(She is so proud of that medal! She showed it to people all day long and then announced that she was going to even wear it to bed.)
Then a trip to McKenna's competition (the guard and the band both got all 1s and were .5 away from getting best in their class, so they did great!)...
Food included dippin dots after the competition (although it became quite chilly outside!)...
and a new recipe! Once October hits, it seems that all I want to do is bake. I made this Apple Cake with Warm Butter Sauce and it was delicious...
Then watching the Alabama game (I dvr-ed and watched it when I got back home) and then the Texas game. Both got big wins...
Grocery shopping, preparing for the next morning's Sunday School class, and seeing Delaney arrive with the team trophy. They won first place and she went 6 for 10 for the day, which was great for her. They got home at 10:30, but she said it sure was worth it!
(and, hey, I told you Sydney said she would wear her medal to bed! She was still giddy about it at bedtime!)
Sunday's moments included...
Sunday school and church service...
After church, we headed out to the Botanical Gardens to take pictures of Delaney for this Miss Photogenic contest for her middle school pageant coming up next month. The day was PERFECT for being outdoors, and we had a great time! (Of course, this was after Sydney burned her hand on a curling iron and we had to wait an hour for her to calm down. It really hurt and scared her, but it didn't blister or anything and it looks fine. But she freaked out!) Once we got there, Gary got some great pictures of Delaney (and, of course, Sydney and McKenna decided to pose too)...
(I love that picture of the girls and seriously think I might use it for our Christmas card this year!)
Delaney thought having her pictures taken was great and declared that "modeling is hard work" (yeah, right! lol), but then it was back to "normal" life for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Normal life included church again, finishing up some editing work (me), finishing up a school project (McKenna), watching the Rays capture the ALCS to head to the World Series (yay!!), and falling to sleep for everyone else.
A good end to a really good week! And I'm so thrilled that I captured it all!
I've got some ideas of how I'm going to put all of these photos and memories together. In fact, I already started working on a cover and I think I'm going to really like it (I'm doing a handmade album for it). You can go to Ali's blog and look at what sort of book she did for her project, and also look at this Flickr page that shows other people's creations. (Let me know if you did the project, so I can come check out your blog entries about it!)
This week, it may be sorta weird to not have my camera with me at all times and to not post pictures every day here on my blog!
This week?
We'll be looking for Halloween costumes; I'm in the mood to bake some more; we get to go to a ceremony for Delaney winning a writing contest; I may get crafty with Adrienne one day; I've got to get some writing done; and I want to get my album started. There is, as always, so much to look forward to! Life is GOOD!
I love the photo of your daughters sitting together on the ground. They are so adorable! It looks like you had quite an eventful week. I am planning on doing the project, It's just a matter of when I can get the photos printed. LOL
Great pictures, Cheryl. The girls are just so pretty.
That is definitely a Christmas Card pic!
Poor little Scout burning her hand :(
Heather--I'll have to get my photos printed this week too and get to work on mine. I'm excited about it! (And can't wait to see yours!)
Marg--Thanks friend!
Queen--I know; she was pitiful! And I do love that picture; I've got to come up with an idea for a Christmas card this year. (How was your weekend getaway??)
C those pics are just so beautiful. I love the one of Scout with her darling, but the one of all three is so gorgeous. They are very beautiful. Love your ideas for the Day in the Life...
I have a good week ahead with some scrappy time and hopefully some good pics. Love and hugs
Great pictures... and that trophy is HUGE!
The girls look just like you!.. Beautiful!
Boy, you do a lot in a couple days!! I'm tired just thinking about following your bunch around and watching!
Sydney may be playing sports now, but I'm telling you, that little one is a G.I.R.L!!! I love that picture of her running across the field with her purse over her arm!! She may become quite the athlete, but I doubt she will let anyone forget the softer side of her! Too cute! Of course, all three girls are! Delaney is becoming as beautiful as her big sister.
Ah, I miss having having kids to watch grow and be amazed with. You're very lucky!
Linda--Thanks! The Gardens is always such a great place to get good photos. And the girls love getting their pics taken. I hope you have a GREAT week!
Songbird--That trophy WAS big! Sydney stood up next to it and was proud that she was "an inch taller than it." LOL
Lynilu--you are right about Scout! She really ended up liking softball, but she is a GIRL absolutely for sure! She was the only girl out there in a dress and with a purse! LOL I do treasure my girls! It's amazing to see them growing up "in front of my eyes."
I love the fact that Scout went up to get her trophy with her pocketbook hanging on her arm.....priceless!
I have totally enjoyed your week. What a great idea. I'm gung-ho about my week. Sunday is posted. Stop by.
Love the pic of the three girls. Can you believe Scout is still wearing her boots?
~hippo hugs~
GREAT pics of the girls!!!
Nina--Oh was TOO cute!!
Pam--I'm SO excited about you doing this project too!! And, Sydney LOVES her boots and has worn them every day!!
Adrienne--Thanks!!! They turned out good!
LOVE the photo of the girls SOOO PRECIOUS. SHE SHOULD wear her medal to bed and to wherever else she goes. If I had one I would wear it also hahaa.
I havent done this yet. BUt my life is pretty boring so... I dunno
I WISH I LIVED CLOSER so we could scrap togther!!
Love all the pics! Great job with this project. I started to try it for this week, but just wasn't into it. I will give it a go later though!
Oh my goodness, Cheryl, I LOVE the picture on the header! And the pictures of your daughters are ADORABLE!!! They would all win if they all were in a contest; surely Delaney will!
I remember seeing this in Ali's newsletter, and i thought about starting it, but I totally lost track... Maybe I'll give it a shot, after all!
Your life always looks so SUPRA busy... I LOVE IT!
I didn't have time to read the whole post, but I just wanted to say that all 3 of your girls are so beautiful.
Hi Cheryl. I have been trying to remember to get over here since Saturday. Roll Tide. Love the pics too.
Your life is way more exciting than mine! LOL!
My pictures and journaling would be things like: Emptied the litter box, laundry, dishes, emptied the litter box again (we have three cats!) You get the idea! LOL!
LOVE the pictures of the girls!
I am in the baking mood too! I have been making cookies and stuff! I am wanting to make something pumpkin flavored!
I was also thinking that since I have a huge Soup cookbook I might start doing "Souper Bowl Sundays!" ROFL! Every Sunday try a different soup!
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