On Saturday morning, there was a cool, crispness to the air. The wind was blowing. It certainly felt like Fall had finally arrived.
Sydney is fascinated with the seasons...all of them. And she's not really sure what order the seasons come in (which really isn't that hard to understand since we live in the crazy, weather-confused South).
We walked outside and leaves were falling from the trees above us.
Sydney practically squealed.
Oh, it's Fall. It's Fall. I'm soooooo excited.
That afternoon, we went out to do some errands. As we walked out the door, she said, I can't believe it's Spring now.
I tried to explain that it was still Fall. It just felt like Spring. Not the easiest thing for a four-year-old to understand.
Sydney was happy to discover yesterday that she and her stuffed poodle have very similar bows to wear around their necks.
I think we're almost twins, she said. We both have black bows with silver polk-a-dots on them.
Except for I'm a human being, and she's a dog.
And I'm for real, and she's not real at all.
And Three...
We got this in the mail yesterday. It was a Thanksgiving card from the Baddour Center, a home for adults with intellectual challenges that Gary and I support.
Maybe ten minutes after seeing it very briefly, she said out of the blue:
Do you know what that is on the front of that card? It's a cornucopia (pronounced exactly right).
I asked her how in the world did she know that word?
I think I saw it on tv, she said.
A cornucopia is a horn-shaped basket filled with all the things you're thankful for. Things like little pumpkins and fruit and nuts.
Then Delaney told her that she wouldn't have even known that word if we'd asked her what it was.
I know something that a 12-year-old doesn't, was Sydney's reply. I really can't believe that.
Great stories! Too funny!
LOL Love the stories!
What a fun time in your life! It sounds as if you are enjoying it, Cheryl. I'm glad you are.
My son, my first born, was handsome and smart and precocious and many other good things. But I was young and inexperienced, and like most first time parents, I was eager for him to grow up. I have lots of good memories and treasure all that he was and is.
But when my daughter was born 6 years later, I was "seasoned" enough to experience her differently. I knew there would be no more children (medical reasons). Every day with her was a new blossom opening, as I slowed down to watch, to listen, to let her become .... at her own pace.
I think you are experiencing something similar with Sydney. Keep it up. You're getting a special gift.
Just so sweet. (And i love Lynilu's comments. I think its very true.)
Awwww....what adorable stories!!
Laura--I love what they come up with!
Lynilu--You know, I absolutely think you're right! As a Mom of different aged children, I've always treasured each child as they were growing up...but I'm trying to really capture my memories of Scout. I know, from experience, that if I don't write stuff down I'll forget it.
Anon--She's very sweet!
Faye-- :-)
Love the picture of the twins :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Kara is pronounced 'Care-ah'.
So cute! I love the pictures of the leaves falling! And of course, all the pictures in this post! :D Happy Tuesday!
So adorable.. and I think she and the poodle match beautifully!
Happy Veterans Day!
Madison loves the leaves (probably from hearing me ooh-ing and ahh-ing over them as they are FINALLY changing here).
We just decorated for Thanksgiving and I can't wait until Christmas. This year she is so appreciating things.
I wish she and Sydney could spend some time together and we could video them. I know that would be a HOOT and a HALF!
Love that Thanksgiving card. Beautiful that you & Gary support them!
Also.... I don't think I would EVER be surprised at something Sydney knows. That kiddo is one smart cookie!
Great stories.
What a great blessing, our children. I think many of us are living vicariously through you and Sydney. I love your family.
~hippo hugs~
Oh my gosh.... that's just so cute! Isn't it great all the things they say and think! Lovely girl your Sydney! Thanks for sharing!!
Oh, and that first photo, off the falling's just gorgeous!
That Sydney of yours is just so adorable!!!
Sadly I think winter has arrived here...
Too cute and love the pics! Have a happy fall!
Oh, I could just squeeze her, she's so cute! How lucky she is that you're recording them.
Our falling leaves are just about through. :( Now the trees are bare. Which is okay, but I love the color.
What a great day you had....and yes I agree with Sydney, sometimes it is hard to tell between Spring and Fall...I am always surprised when my young ones said the word cornucopia as is just of those mouthful words that you do not expect them to know, but are so grateful that they do :)
Such sweet stories! I love the picture with her "twin"... too cute!
Melissa--Thanks for the clarification. lol I LOVE her name!
Maria--Thanks sweetie! (I haven't been by to see you in so long. I promise that I'm coming by your blog in a minute!! :-)
Songbird--They DID match. It was too cute!! We've had a good Veteran's Day here!
Queen--Wouldn't Madison and Scout have so much fun together???!!! I would love that!
Pam--That's what I love about blogs. Meeting all of these other great families!! (Like yours...sometimes I think you're my next door neighbor!! :-)
Marjolein-- I was really happy with how that picture turned out too!
Kat--It hasn't gotten too cold here yet. Just a little chill in the air. But I bet it is COLD up there!!
Kimberly--Thanks! We're loving the Fall so far!!
Gretchen--I am determined to record all of her stories and conversations. Our trees are some of the prettiest we've had in years!
Jenn--The word cornucopia sounds just so cute out of her little mouth. :-)
Loreluca-- :-)
Awesome story she sounds so precious and wow cornucopia ... lolol.. beautiful pictures ...
what a sweet story! :)
love those shots you took and i *heart* fall season. missing it. it's almost like fall here, almost always with lots of rain! hehe...
have a Great Midweek Cheryl!
I absolutely adore Fall!!! Gorgeous photos in your post!
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