Thursday, April 16, 2009

In the News

Remember my story (HERE) about Delaney coming in the game to bunt, sliding into home, and scoring the winning run at a recent softball game? She made the newspaper...

(that's her in the bottom two pictures)

Remember my story (HERE) about Sydney's children's group collecting over 100,000 pennies to buy animals for a third-world village? Well, that made the newspaper too...

(if you look real closely, you can see Sydney in that bottom picture. She's the second in line.)

I'm not really sure how we manage to get into the newspaper so often, but we do. It may have all started when I was eight-years-old and my Dad started a community newspaper for a college journalism class he was teaching; my brother and I were in the newspaper so much that they'd get letters to the editor complaining that there needed to be different kids in the photos!


Anonymous said...

haha i am so proud of sydney and delaney. i am thinking of asking mckenna to email me some pictures of myself so i can put them on myspace and my blog. are you going to the game saterday??? can you email me so i have your email??
i love you!!

Adrienne said...

Awwwww love it!

Gretchen said...

Sweet! I'm so happy for your girls! Do I feel a scrapbook page coming on?

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. Thanks for scanning and sharing.

(Did they feel famous? ha ha)


hippo chick said...

I'd recognize Sydney anywhere. What fun!!

We're home and later tofday, I'll answer the four random questions from yesterday.

I'm pooped.

~hippo hugs~

Stacy said...

your family is just photogenic and they also make a good story cheryl congrats to the girls!!!

Cheryl Wray said...
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Cheryl Wray said...

Lori--I can email you some pictures! I've got lots of good ones!

Adrienne--I thought they were cool.

Gretchen--I definitely think there could be a scrapbook page from one or both of these! :-)

Marg--Yep, they both felt famous. It was cute!

Hippo--So glad you made it back home safe. Rest!!!

Stacy--Thanks girlfriend!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Congrats to your little headliners. :)

Maria Hammon said...

It doesn't surprise me one bit. You and your lovely family are totally NEWS worthy all the time! :D