Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It's Random Tuesday . . . Again!
Okay, last week I started my Random Tuesday thread and shared 10 Random Thoughts About Cheryl. I got a HUGE kick out of reading everyone's random thoughts that they sent to me (go back and read comments from that post last week to learn something new about someone else!). This week, I've decided to share 10 Random Thoughts about My Childhood.
So without further ado . . .
1- I was born in Texas, but really “grew up” in Fayetteville, Arkansas (lived there from kindergarten through ninth grade).
2- My dad drove me to school everyday during my elementary school years and we sang songs together on the way. My two favorites were “Stewball was a racehorse” and “Puff the Magic Dragon.”
3- My favorite song to roller skate to was “Disco Duck” (followed closely behind by “King Tut”).
4- I have a younger brother who is 5 years younger than me. I still remember the day I dressed him up like the Avon Lady (why he doesn’t hate me for that—and the times I made him be a trapeze artist with me—I’ll never know!).
5- My best friends in grade school were Kelly Dunn and Michelle White (don’t know where Kelly’s at, but Michelle and I “reunited” online about three years ago and now keep in touch!).
6- My favorite tv shows were “Charlie’s Angels” and “Wonder Woman.”
7- I took part in the Summer Reading Program at my library every summer.
8- I practiced kissing on my pillow, which I pretended was Shaun Cassidy.
9- I played a rabbit in “Hansel and Gretel” in fifth grade, but was otherwise scared to death to get in front of people (imagine that—I’m nothing like that now!)
10- In the third grade (the one year we lived away from Arkansas) I was on the “CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite,” during election coverage for the 1976 presidential race (I was with my parents at the voting polls in Austin).
Okay, it's time to share your random thoughts about YOUR childhood. So take a break from whatever important you have to do right now and send them to me . . .


Anonymous said...

Cute! You own mom learned things about you. Shaun Cassidy. I vaguely
remember the Avon Lady, but I do remember your dressing Christopher up
and having him do puppet shows, etc. I think what you all did at your
instigating made you both more creative. Kids today play video games
all the time, etc., and are not creative unless parents encourage it.
Of course, you do. Just a random thought from mom.

Anonymous said...

1. I went to a private school until the 3rd grade and then I started Hueytown Elementary.
2. I have a sister who is 1 1/2 younger than me.
3. My favorite shows on Saturday night, were The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, but most of all Solid Gold. In my own living room, I WAS a Solid Gold
4. When I was in the 4th grade, I went to my first concert...Shaun Cassidy. ( I had a crush on him too, Cheryl!)
5. Both of my parents worked, so we had to come home on the bus every day and let ourselves in the house and get our homework before they came
home. I don't know if I would let mine do that now. The world was a different place then.
6. I also was in the Summer reading program at the public library.
7. My dad taught me how to shoot a gun when I was about 10 years old, and I still like the smell of gunpowder. Strange, huh?
8. My mom taught me how to cook and sew, and I still like to do both today.
9. When I was about 12 years old my grandmother would come to our house sometimes on Sunday and eat dinner with us. When it was time for her to
leave, she would ask me to walk her to her car, and she would let me "practice" driving around the block. It scared my parents to death, but every
time she came, we would "drive"!
10.When I was in the 4th or 5th grade, I was jumping on my next door neighbor's trampoline, and when I tried to jump and do a flip, he stuck his leg out
and tried to trip me and my head hit the bar on the way down. I was sure that my brains were falling out it hurt so bad! I do not like trampolines to
this day because of that, and I'm not crazy about Melissa jumping on them either. (I still have a knot on my forehead from that fall). Maybe that's
what's wrong with me!! haha

Cheryl Wray said...

Those were TOO funny! I also don't let the kids jump on trampolines (or try to keep them from doin git . . .) because I fell off one onto concrete head-first when I was in 7th grade (I think?). It hurt SO bad, I can't believe they didn't rush me to the emergency room! I had a knot the size of Texas forever . .. (And you loved Shaun Cassidy!)

Sounds like we were separated at birth . ..


Anonymous said...

At my age it's hard to remember 10 things about my childhood.

1. I was born in Chipley, Florida and raised (until 7th grade) in Caryville, Florida (about 12 miles away).
2. I remember the man across the street from us used to drive a school bus to Chipley once a week so the children in Caryville could go swimming. That's the closes place that had a swimming pool. Other than that once a week, if you wanted to swim you went to the creek.
3. There was not a lot of girls in Caryville. Mostly boys. My best friend was Rosie Harcus. I have no idea what ever happened to her. I always went to visit when we went home until she married and moved away.
4. The school I went to in Caryville was so small, one teacher taught two grades. We had 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, and the principal taught the 7th. After the 7th, you had to take the bus to Bonifay (about 10 miles away).
5. My 7th grade class consisted of 4 girls and 9 boys (big class).
6. We moved to Gardendale mid term of the 6th grade and moved back to Caryville at the end of school.
7. We moved to Hueytown mid term of the 7th grade and have been there ever since.
8. I started Pitman mid term of the 7th grade. I had never changed classes. I came from a class of 13 to a huge school. I was so lost, I didn't think I would ever talk to anyone again.
9. We moved to a neighborhool that had lots of girls. I became friends with many of the girls and also met my first boyfriend. (he was the boyfriend of the girls that became my best friend)
10. Of course, when I met my husband, he was also the boyfriend of one of my good friends. But that was over long before he became my boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

ok here goes-
1) i was born in lloyd nolan hosp in fairfield and my mom got 5 days in the hosp. somehow two seems unfair.

2) i am the youngest of 5 but there are lots of years separating us.

3) my favorite place to hide in the summer was behind or under the fig tree in the backyard so i could eat the figs on the sly. YUM

4) my fondest memories are of following my dad around the yard so i could listen to him sing while he worked (cattle call and streets of lareido will always have a special place in my heart)

5)i would play "i dream of genie" wearing one of my mom's chiffon scarves on my head- running around the yard blinking at things. i'm sure the neighbors wondered if i had a problem.

6)i ran away from home and went to mom's friend sue gilliam's house(she was my friend too!) and spent the afternoon playing with sue.

7) my sister and i would catch lizards and green snakes and wear them like jewelry.

8)i spent everyday , all day at the pool in the summer- only going home for lunch and dinner.many, many hours wasted playing cards and playing shark.

9)one day when i was about 6, i used my mom's travel soap box and caught over 50 roly-polies. of course, when i took them in to show mom and they spilled, it wasn't good.

10)i stopped participating in children's choir when we went to the nursing home to sing. i was afraid of the old people.

Anonymous said...

1. born/raised in hunts., al
2. baby of 4
3. called my sister who is 10yrs older than me mama before my own mother, because she took care of me so much
4. early favorite shows, The Six Million Dollar Man, Buck Rogers
5. favorite Sat. morn. cartoons, Bugs Bunny, Fat Albert, Shazam/Isis
6. raised on all kinds of rock and roll from 50's to glam rock (Queen rules!) and lots of Kansas, Styx, etc... while my mom tried to culture us w/classical, show tunes, etc...
7. My mom was heavy into pop psychology, whatever the fad was at the time. I was heavily dosed with Transactional Analyses (TA). Does anyone remember "I'm ok, You're ok?", Warm fuzzies and Cold Pricklies?
8. Bought my first comic book when I was 6. It was Spiderman. I spent 25 cents. (interesting trivia, there's not a cents symbol on my keyboard)
9. Besides Spidey, as a kid my heroes were Batman and The Lone Ranger
10. Neighborhood gang: Cheryl and Mark Colbath, Steve Craig (best friend), Lisa Cole, Jason And Darren Reed, Scott Stapler. Spent many hours on bikes, playing Hot Wheels, GI Joes/Big Jims, Kick the Can, etc... Sadly enough, I don't know where any of these guys are now. Except for Lisa, who still lives in her Mom and Dad's house w/husband and kids.

Could probably make this random 20, lots of material I could add. Ryan

Anonymous said...

ok here goes

1. I grew up in the Birmingham, Alabama area. Even though most of my life was spent around the metro area I attended several different schools because of the zoning. I attended K-1 at Mrs Carol's Private School in Thomas Acres, 2nd and 3rd grades at Shades Mountain Elementary, 4th and 5th grades at Rocky Ridge Elementary, 6th grade at James A Davis Middle School, 7th-10th grades at McAdory High, then we moved to Haleyville, AL and I spent my Jr. and Sr. years at Haleyville High School.

2. My dad and I sang Irish folk songs when we would drive in the car.

3. I spent almost 8 weeks at Camp Cosby one summer. My parents kept coming to get me and I would beg to stay.

4. I rode a motorcycle from the time I was 11...started with a moped wound up with a Yamaha 650 Special by the age of 14.

5. I have 2 older sisters 9 and 11 years older than me. I picked one of their boyfriends pockets once before they went on a date.

6. I was sent to Auburn University to celebrate my 9th birthday with my sister. It just so happens my birthday is New Years Eve (boy my parents were really sticking it to my sister)

7. I was on the Captain Kangaroo show when I was in kindergarten.

8. My best friend from middle school is Leanne Dedmon. I still talk to her and email her often.

9. I had a tough time with Juvenal Rheumatoid Arthritis but have very little trouble now.

10. I was an absolute STAR WARS freak!