Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Return of Fleegle!

(This was going to be posted last night, but I took a break from the computer and went upstairs to get Sydney to bed. Wouldn't you know it? I fell asleep in her bed--woke up at 2 a.m. to get in the RIGHT bed. So, instead this post is an early-morning post, as I'm trying to get the girls up and around for school.)

Yesterday, as I was cleaning out Delaney's closet (a BIG chore, let me tell you!) to find some things for a garage sale I'm having on Saturday, I found a major Blast from the Past! I found Fleegle--a stuffed frog that my junior-high-school friends Debby and Margie gave to me back when I was moving from Arkansas to Alabama after my ninth grade year (1983??). They were so sweet and gave me like 12 little gifts all wrapped up individually, and Fleegle was one of those gifts! Debby and Margie have been on mind a lot lately, because they have both been dealing with cancer. Margie (who's in Nebraska) is doing well and looks clear for now; Debby (who's in Texas) is about to start undergoing radical 5-day-a-week radiation for 6 weeks in hopes of getting rid of some cancer now in her lymph nodes.

It was kinda like Fleegle was appearing out of the blue to remind me of my sweet friends, and to remind me that God will take care of both of them! He's taken care of Fleegle for all these many years!!

Deb and Marg--I've emailed you about this, so I hope you to pop in and be reminded of something from almost 25 years ago (Boy, are we OLD!!). Lol.

(Please forgive me for this of pic of me. Don't know WHAT was happening with the hair!!)


Anonymous said...

How sweet is that!! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, the "blast" was hilarious!!! That is too funny; you still have Fleegle!!! (and thanks for the thoughts & prayers for me & Deb!) I have pics of when Debby and I visited you in AL after sophomore year and you and I are wearing matching "Bama" shirts. We were so young then!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

This is so scary! My 7th grade (ca.1979) history teacher, Mr. Hoagland had this weird thing for stuffed frogs and kept about a half dozen in his room. He too, had a Fleegle. We used to toss him around like a football before class. Too Funny! Ryan

Unknown said...

This is really something. When I was just 5-years old, back in 1980, I had a Fleegle just like yours that was my constant sidekick through a health problem, surgery, and my parents divorce. 30 years later and going through a different sort of crisis, I returned home and while going through a closet full of my old things, guess who I found? A flood of old memories from a simpler time came rushing back. I'm a 35-year old man who is not ashamed to say that he is happy to have found once again this same little stuffed frog that God used to brighten an otherwise dismal time in my life as a child. I'm not sure what compelled me to do an Internet search for "Fleegle", but I'm glad to have found this post and happy to know that I'm not the only one to have been blessed with a Fleegle. :-)

Matt, San Diego CA