Thursday, July 20, 2006

Just Messing Around with Photos . . .

Okay, it's 1 in the morning and I'm STILL up! Tonight was Night 2 of the Spend-the-Night-with-Delaney Marathon (Ashley stayed over last night, and Katie tonight). It's fine because the girls basically entertain themselves (and it gives Delaney something to enjoy while McKenna's out of town), but for some reason I still feel more exhausted when there's another child in the house. Plus, I stayed up reading, took a late bath, tried to watch some television (and once I've seen the same "Sportscenter" like three times, it's time to go do something else!), and basically tried to get to asleep. But to no avail . ..

So, I decided to come downstairs and mess around with some photos. I've not delved into digital anything yet, so this is nothing like that (I'm afraid that if I ever DID get Photoshop, or some digital scrapbooking thingie-my-bob, I'd get way hooked on it, so it's probably not a good idea for me to have any of that stuff right now!). I just got to thinking of all the cool photos I've taken in the last month or so that just epitomize summer to me, and I made this collage--

Yep, I love all that stuff--popsicles, and swimming, and sprinklers, and softball, and slides, and watermelon!! (My favorite is that very first one of Syd's back. Kinda like pics of a tiny baby's toes. You can just eat them up. So sweet!) And I just really like the way all those photos look when they're TOGETHER. Kinda cool, I thought.

I kinda got the idea of doing this collage after I spotted this collage online. I just love all the colors going on and you have GOT to love cupcakes!

(I really can't remember where I found this image--whether it was from a clipart site, or some website, or even a blog. If it does come from a blog and it belongs to you, please let me know and I will take it off here if you wish or I will give you credit for this awesome creation!)

By the way--I read somewhere the other day that cupcakes were the NEW, trendy thing in big cities like NYC. Like all the cool, "happening" bakeries are selling all sorts of cupcakes. I guess I'm definitely trendy, because I try and eat a cupcake as often as I can!

Then, I thought (as I looked at the HUNDREDS of photos I have sitting here on my computer--could be why my computer spits out ugly messages like "Low Disk Space. Please delete unnecessary files as soon as possible" at me every few minutes. LOL) that I should take a few photos and turn them black/white. AND I should do it to a few of these photos of my girls acting like total nut-cases.

So . . .

(Kinda like one of those photo strips you used to could get out of those little photo booths at the mall or at your cheesy tourist trap? There's still a cool appeal to those things!) My girls are just nuts, huh? They can make some kinds of faces, let me tell you.

And now, while we're on the subject of photos, let me share this one with you that my friend, Jeff, sent to me. All of you may remember about my Camera Woes at the airport on Tuesday. (Yikes, that nasty error 99 message--which Gary, btw, now thinks has something to do with the shutter. Ugh!!) I wasn't able to get any of the pics I wanted of the crew flying off to D.C. Well, Jeff sent me this one today via email and it was such a welcome surprise.

(that's Traci, Carol, McKenna, Kayla, Hannah, Jay, and Jamison at the airport, ready to go!!) Thank you, Jeff, for the picture!!

I'm off to see what other things I can create with the oodles of pictures I have sitting here by me. They're just tempting me to alter them, or put them in frames, or maybe even scrapbook them. (Imagine that??!!)

Until a later date, it's me a la Andy Warhol saying "Toodles!"

(Now, if you're up reading this at 1:30 a.m.--go to bed!! If you're reading it at maybe 8 or 9 in the morning, you probably need to call me and wake me up! LOL)


Anonymous said...

great photos, and I see you are having fun exploring digital retouching, that is cool

Anonymous said...

have fun playing with digi!!!! you will be addicted! LOL

Cindy Barb said...

Great pics Cheryl. I can't be there to watch the girls grow but I can watch through your blog. By the way, how is McKenna doing in DC?

Robyn said...

ohhhhhh I love your collages, gorgeous! And MAN I love cupcakes too! YUMMY!

Cheryl Wray said...

Hey Cindy--I love that you visit my blog. LOL That's why I started it--to keep track of family from far away! McKenna is having a great time; I talked to her last night and she said they'd had an awesome first session. Today they were going to Capitol Hill. Can't wait to hear all about it when she gets home.

Anonymous said...

I really looove your pics. Your collage is summer in a nutshell. Great summarization of the season through pics. I know what youmean about the digi stuff...I think I too will get so hooked.

Anonymous said...

Love the photos all grouped together like that. Summer is great, isn't it? And it's over too soon.