Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mission Accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!
After Gary left for work this morning, I knew that I had TWO tasks I must accomplish today. First you have to picture this--Gary is trying desperately to get to work on time and can't find any socks to wear! Then he can't find the hairbrush. (Why we have only had ONE hairbrush in the house for a month now, I have no idea! McKenna has one, or two, or three of her own, but they of course live in Downstairs Teen World. He and I have been sharing one for weeks now! And please don't send my emails about my hygiene habits please. LOL) Anyway . . . he is slamming doors and just generally in a foul mood about it!

I huff and puff a little bit. Is it really my fault that he doesn't have any socks to wear to work? I'm here all day doing not much of anything other than waiting for people to answer my phone calls for a few articles I'm working on, writing on my blog, and being involved in various stages of snacking and grazing and eating (Little Debbies, popcorn, and cheerios are the snacks of choice today). Doesn't he know that all those things take a lot of work and energy and tme? (Hey, I'm actually being very sarcastic right here. Get it? My life has been very laid-back over the summer and I definitely should have time to wash some clothes. Some days I just kinda forget to. LOL)

So, I decided to be Nice Wife today and have accomplished my two primary missions for the day--

# 1-- I went and bought TWO new hairbrushes. Yep, one has a pink handle and is a new one for the girls to use. The other has a black handle and will forever be dubbed now as the Gary Only Hairbrush.

#2-- I washed three loads of clothes. (Count them, three!) And those loads actually included at least four pairs of socks. Hallelujah!!

So, Gary you can home in safety (I forgave you for your little outburst!) and with joy in the knowledge that you have socks and a hairbrush!

(BTW--what really bites is that Gary is actually one of my regular blog stalkers. He actually reads my posts, so I can't really say anything bad about him. LOL!)


Melissa said...

congrats on completing your mission..laundry is never a fun task.

BTW-love all your summer pics bellow ;)

Anonymous said...

so funny, devin secretly reads mine too, even though he is not allowed,, I speak the truth so if he reads something he doesn't like then,, he will have to take it with a grain of salt as my grandma use to say

Anonymous said...

Hey, we women have plenty else to occupy our time.

Anonymous said...

:-) so so much like some of my days...

Anonymous said...

ROFLOL....I TOTALLY understand!

Cindy Barb said...

OK, I have to defend my cousin, Gary is under pressure here... I'm with you Gary, all the way. Love ya cuz

Unknown said...

Thanks Cuz...

I like to have someone that will defend me! Of course if it had been you in bed when I slammed that door, I'm not so sure you'd be defending me!

Cheryl reminded me of that cat on the cartoons when the dog scared it! If she'd had claws she would have been stuck to the ceiling! I'm glad she doesn't like guns or she'd have shot me!