Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Up at 4 a.m.? & Have a great time, McKenna!

Stop the presses, hold the phone, slap your grandma . . . whatever you do when something so unexpected happens, do it right now!! I was up this morning at 4:05 A.M. (in the morning!) and was actually the FIRST person somewhere.

Stop the presses, hold the phone, etc., etc. . . McKenna was up at 4:20 and it took me only TWO or THREE minute to wake her up (this is usually a good 20-minute process!)

What in the world would inspire such commitment and energy on a Wednesday morning, when the rest of the world was probably still asleep and it was pitch black outside?

McKenna left this morning on a mission trip with her church youth group to Panama City, Florida. They had to be at the church by 5:15, so they could roll out by 5:45. I guess she was so excited that she just was able to get herself up (even after not going to sleep until around 11 last night . . . let's just say that I see a lot of sleeping on the van in her future today!).

When we arrived in the church parking lot, we were the FIRST there (aside from Carol, our youth minister). My friend, Ryan, showed up two or three minutes after us and his mouth was AGAPE in shock.

(McKenna and Jane--the first arrivals)

For my early arrival, I actually got a hug, a high-five, and a comment, "This is definitely blogworthy, Cheryl!" Let's just say that people are not used to seeing me somewhere FIRST or ON TIME!

The kids finally crammed everything they owned into the church van and three other chaperones' cars and rolled out of the parking lot at 6:20.

(one of the three vehicles crammed FULL of stuff! Hey guys--you're only gonna be there for five days!)
(McKenna, Lori, and Cassi claimed the back seat of the van, but it was already full when they had to get to their seats. So it was over the back to get in! Here's Lori's bootie as she enters the van head-first. LOL)

(McKenna going in!)

(I did my best to try and get a group picture, but the crew was already loaded up in the van--40 minutes before it actually left--so I had to settle for this picture and the one at the top of the post. This pic basically just shows Reagan, Haley, and Jane smiling, McKenna smiling way back in the back seat , and the guys looking like they seriously need to go back to bed! LOL

I love the pic at the top too because all I could get was McKenna waving from the outside of the van and everyone else waving from the inside!)

The group will be doing a Vacation Bible School for a small, poorer church in the PC area and will be staying at Noah's Ark, a United Methodist mission down there (no condos for them--although they will get to spend some time at the beach). They are excited, and I'm really excited for McKenna! I know that she will learn a lot on this trip--about herself, others' needs, and God. Should be awesome!

(Carol is sending me email updates on the trip, so you will probably get news here from me!!)

I did learn a few things from being up this early--

* I could see how people like to be morning people. It's so quiet and there's so few distractions. I could seriously see the advantages when it comes to getting work done!

* I have taken a shower, gotten dressed, eaten some breakfast, had a morning devotion/quiet time, and blogged--all before 7:30. It IS possible, I guess!

* I don't think I could do this on a regular basis! I see a nap coming at least by mid-afternoon!

* Still, I need to do this more often just so I can SHOCK people and keep them off guard. I guess I don't always need to be known as "Always Late Cheryl." Ha!

Okay, I'm starting to yawn already! Time to slap myself, throw water on my face, and drink a big tall glass of Diet Dr. Pepper!


Anonymous said...

ROFLOL! My time of morning! LOL

Greta Adams said...

girl i would be dead at that time of the morning...i guess you will be snoozing by 2 pm today huh?

LMAO!! great post

Anonymous said...

lol, slap your grandma,, wow, you are too funny Cheryl, I get up early every morning, I love that time of the day

Cindy Barb said...

Now you know how I feel and I can't get a nap in the middle of the day. Up at 5:30 and home by 7:30 or 8:00 just to change clothes eat and back to bed. I am still trying to figure out how you get to sleep in so late with those kids.... When I had my three there was no sleeping; you are one lucky lady.... Enjoy while you can before school starts back.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'll love being able to keep up with how the group is doing! Thanks

Anonymous said...

I got back to your blog this morning. I enjoyed reading from today backward catching up on everything. We prayed tonight for McKenna at our women’s meeting. I shared about her mission trip.
Love, Mom