Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Calgon . . . Take me Away!!
Thank goodness we're going here tomorrow--
(the outside view of our hotel in Savannah; I had a picture of the rooftop swimming pool but it was uploading tiny, so you'll just have to imagine it . . . I promise you, it looks GREAT!!)
and then here the next day--
(the beach, pavillion, and pier on Tybee Island!)
Thank goodness we're heading out to these beautiful places because yesterday and last night were Stress-Filled!
*First, my washing machine decided to overflow AGAIN. We thought we had it under control but yesterday morning it decided to flood all over the den floor. Yuck!! So, I had to go to the laundromat to wash a TON of clothes!! The laundromat isn't really too bad (it was very cool, which was very nice!! and I popped all of my clothes in the two oversized machines so it didn't take too long)--it was just the stress of having to go there in the middle of my day, when I had other stuff to get done! You know how that is!! In between washing and drying clothes, I had to run and pick up McKenna from band practice for her lunch break. Let me just tell you that running in and out of places in this stifling Alabama heat is NOT fun!!
* Then . .. I cannot get one of my articles done that is due before I leave on vacation! The source has never called me back, then my editor emailed me about it to check on its status. I don't think she was too happy that I couldn't send it to her today, but hopefully she understood. Just do not like the stress of not getting my assignments done!
* Then, on one of the myriad of trips I had to make my right taillight decided to FALL off in the middle of the road!! Had to retrace my steps and find it--and there it was!! Hauled it into the car and will have to get that fixed. I HATE car repairs; they are irritating and they suck money out of the wallet! (Thank goodness we weren't planning on taking the car on vacation! So that's a good thing!!) Still, looking back on it, it was pretty funny; me, out in the middle of the street, holding a tail light! LOL
* Then, to top it all of-- McKenna has been grounded from, well, basically from EVERYTHING. She knew she wasn't supposed to text message on her cell phone and we had a bill today that was over $100 in text messages!!! Her cell phone is taken away from her, she's grounded from the computer (oh no, no MySpace!), and she's grounded indefinitely from activities other than school and church. She is not a happy camper, but when I told her about it she just looked at me with this look that said something like, "I know I did it. I just didn't think you'd catch me." What's so frustrating is that McKenna really is such a GREAT girl; she's a great student and very responsible. So it's hard to punish her so severely. But we have to set a standard--that you cannot get away with something you've been warned about. Gary was extremely mad about it.
But then later tonight, after we got home from church, McKenna's attitude seemed to be pretty good. She actually said to me: "I know I did wrong and I deserve my punishment." Wow!! (Of course, it would have been nice if she'd thought about not doing it BEFORE the $100 in charges got racked up! ). Hopefully, this will teach her that we are serious about our promised punishments if she breaks the rules!
*And tomorrow morning I have stress to Look Forward To!! I have to register McKenna before we head out to Savannah. We really need to be on the road by 9:15 or so, not any later than 10 (because we have to be on a boat for a mystery cruise at 5:45 in Savannah!)--but all of you know how hellish school registration can be! So, I'm seriously praying that it will go fine. We're arriving an hour before the scheduled time and I have copies of everything already made, so I'm doing my best to make it as easy as possible. We'll see!
So, I guess you can see why I need this vacation!
We're really excited about it! Our hotel in Savannah is right across from River Street, so we can walk everywhere and take pool breaks when we get tired and hot (which I'm sure will be often!) And then Tybee Island is this just really cool little beach town. Not big or commercialized at all, so it's a bit of a nice change of pace from a place like Panama City, Florida. We're all really looking forward to it!
Even on "bad" days, though, there are GOOD things too. And don't you think that's the key to it all? To realize that things are never too bad, too stressful, too negative that there's not some bright spots in the midst of it all? I think so! And today there definitely were a few of those bright spots . . .
In the morning, while I tried to get some work done, Delaney and Sydney decided to make a makeshift tent in the den. Sydney was calling it their "cave." Now doesn't that give me flashbacks? Who didn't build a tent (or a cave, or a fort) in their childhood? (I HAD a picture of this and it will not load onto Blogger--sorry. It was cute!!)
Yesterday we went to Walmart get Gary a few pairs of shorts for the trip and Sydney saw this Dora backpack (or "soup-case" as she's calling it). She fell in love with it! And it doesn't hurt that it's a rolling suitcase like her two big sisters have for trips! She was running down the Walmart aisles, pulling it along and screaming. It was the cutest thing!
And then this . . just lightened the mood tonight! McKenna has had marching band camp today and she got her uniform. She tried this on and then said, "And imagine, it will have a feather too!" McKenna is SO funny; she likes to try everything once! She's been a cheerleader and in the drama group, now is trying the marching band. Next year, she'll probably try out for the color guard. I just love that she likes to try everything; she hasn't pigeon-holed herself yet. Anyway--just thought this picture was the funniest! (And,oops, no picture again!! Shucks! It was REALLY funny!)
I'll be out of the blogging loop until we get back from vacation. There's always a possibility that I will get online and post a few pics. Otherwise, though, I'll be back either Sunday or Monday.
See ya!!!!


Anonymous said...

EEK on the cellphone bill!! do I have THAT to look forward to? I hope you guys have a FANTASTIC time!!! Oh, and I noticed the missing light when I left yesterday evening!

Cindy Barb said...

I know you deserve this very much and I hope you have a great time. If Gary starts getting on your nerves, just take his flask away and run baby run for the beach and leave him with the girls...... No, I hope you two get to have a wonderful week with the girls and with each other.

Melissa said...

have a wonderful trip- from the pictures it looks gorgeous!

and Oh my at that cellphone bill..but at least she understands it was wrong and why she is being punished

I can so relate to having car troubles...hope everything gets fixed quickly for you

She-Ra said...

We've been traveling with a teenager this week so I have been seeing the texting first hand. Crazy I tell you!

And isn't it funny how the littlest one has to have exactly the same thing that the older ones have... or maybe that's just my youngest one. :) Have a good trip!

Cheryl Wray said...

Having a great time!!! Can't wait to get home and post all my pics!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read more about your trip!!!