Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just a Silly Random Tuesday...

Well, I slept late this morning (until 8:30!!! yikes!!) and now I'm trying to get a ton of clothes washed (from the combined weekend Gary and I had away and then the fact that we spent all day yesterday at the water park and I didn't wash one spot of clothes--I am WAY behind!)...so, you're getting a really quick Random Tuesday post this morning!!

It's kinda fun and silly, but join in anyway!

Let's find out what everyone's alter ego names are:

1. Your real name: Cheryl
2. Your gangsta name: (first three letters of first name, then add izzle) Cheizzle
3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Yellow Tiger
4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)
Annette Applebury
5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name)
6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink) Blue Pepper (dr. pepper didn’t quite work!)
7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Joanne David (that’s kinda cool; both of my parents go by their middle names!)
8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Chit Chat (Ha!!)

Post your answers here, or put it on your own blog for some silly fun!

Talked to McKenna last night and she was a having a great time! She and Mom had been blown away by the British Museum (the Magna Carta! Cleopatra's mummy! the Dead Sea Scrolls!) and they had just gotten back from Les Miserable (which they both loved!). Mom's luggage did finally get there (hurray!) and McKenna said that Mom seemed to be doing really well (although she was getting very tired by each night time). I had told McKenna she only needed to call me every two or three days (since these overseas calls cost $1 a minute), but she's called me everyday. I can tell that she's just so excited about everything, and I'm thrilled that she's wanting to share it all with me!

Off to get busy on my Tuedsay. Gotta--
Wash those clothes!
Work on a scrapbook page for my calendar class tonight at my scrapbook store (I'm teaching the gals how to use clear stamps)

See ya tomorrow!!


Kimberly said...

Looks like we will both be taming that laundry beast today. I am trying to get caught up too. I want to do some scrapbooking too. Hope you tame that beast and have a great day!

Renee said...

Okay, I'm gonna play.
1. Your real name: Suzanne
2. Your gangsta name: No Idea
3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Red Dolphin
4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)
Renee Island
5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name)
6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink) Blue DietCoke (dr. pepper didn’t quite work!)
7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Adele Morris 8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Pearl

Jeff said...

1. Your real name: Jeff
2. Your gangsta name: I need some instructions on how to create this!
3. Your detective name: Pruple Koala
4. Your soap opera name: Alan Southend
5. Your Star Wars name: ADAJE (how do you even pronounce that)
6. Your superhero name: Red Pepsi
7. Your witness protection name: Frederick Suzanne (interesting!)
8. Your goth name: Black Scotch (yes, I had a cat named Scotch)

Cheryl Wray said...

Hey guys!!
Sorry--I forgot to put the directions for your gangsta name on it, but I've edited and added it. Sorry! lol

Cheryl Wray said...

Kimberly--Yep, the laundry is out of control!!! But it always is!!!
Renee--I love Black Pearl (kinda Pirates of the Caribbean! ha!)
Jeff--GREAT witness protection name!! You should use that as a character in a novel!! And Black Scotch is good too!

Phats said...

Hey will you do my laundry, afterall it is my birthday!! :)

you have a pet named Chit Chat? Cute

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm game

1. Your real name: Ryan
2. Your gangsta name: (first three letters of first name, then add izzle) Warizzle
3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Black Dolphin
4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)
Ryan Ensley
5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name)
6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
Purple Coke
7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Maxine Jane (yes, my dad's middle name is Maxine, I don't know why.)
8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Beast (Awesome!!)

Anonymous said...

Too fun!
Okay, let's see--
Purple Cat
Lynn Lane (that's good!)
Blue Water
Joan Lyndon
Black Boss

Kimberly said...

Okay, I decided to play along.
1. Kimberly
2. Kimizzie
3. Purple Cat
4. Marie Picketts
5. Smiki(what)
6. Pink Pepper
7. Kay David
8. Black Skipper

Dawn Bibbs said...

Well POO POO!!!! I did this once already and I'm not sure how, but it's GONE!!! So now I have to do it again!

Being that it was pretty fun and interesting,I'm game :-). Here goes:

1. Your real name: Dawn
2. Your gangsta name: Dawizzie
3. Your detective name: Purple Dog
4. Your soap opera name: Monique Tulip
5. Your Star Wars name: Bibda
6. Your super hero name: Green Pepper (I'm a Dr.Pepper girl too!)
7. Your witness protection name: Marie Lyndon
8. Your goth name: Black Trae

That was fun. And it actually went a little quicker this time...lol.

Anonymous said...

Have not been on in a while (It's me Cindy - I forgot my password and canceled AOL) and thought I would play along today, sooooo, here we go.....

1. Your real name: Cynthia

2. Your gangsta name: (first three letters of first name, then add izzle) Cynizzle

3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Purple Panther

4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)Jean 26th (would be the first street, but the first named street) Jean Youngs

5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name) Barcy

6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
Blue Coke

7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Ruth Hebron

8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Lacy

Andy said...

i think that i'm going to post this on my blog but i haven't done it yet. glad you daughter is having a good time.

TK Angels said...

I'm game also

1. Your real name: Terri
2. Your gangsta name: (first three letters of first name, then add izzle) Terizzle
3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Blue Dog
4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)
Ann Meyer
5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name)
6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
Purple Water
7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Henry Carmelitta
8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Sir William

Anonymous said...

1. Your real name: Risa
2. Your gangsta name: (first three letters of first name, then add izzle) Risizzle
3. Your detective name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Purple Giraffe
4. Your soap opera name: (your middle name & the first street you lived on)
Louise Cropsey
5. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of first name)
6. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color & favorite drink) Blue Pepsi
7. Your witness protection name: (parents middle names) Pauline Leonard David
8. Your goth name: (black, and the name of 1 of your pets) Black Melissa

Anonymous said...

1. Real Name:Delaney
2.gangster name:delizzle
3.detective name:Pink dolphin
4.soap opera name:Elizabeth Wentworth
5.Star Wars Name:Wrade
6.Superhero Name:Blue Grapico
7.Witness Protection name:Annete Karl
8.Goth Name:Black Chit-Chat

AngelConradie said...

1. Your real name: angel
2. Your gangsta name: angizzle HUH...
3. Your detective name: black horse NOW I'M 'N INDIAN!
4. Your soap opera name: laverne schubart
5. Your Star Wars name: swean
6. Your superhero name: purple coke HHMMM...
7. Your witness protection name: sheila john
8. Your goth name: black taxi LOL