Friday, June 29, 2007

Just stuff...

I came across this quote yesterday and it really spoke to me (things--paintings, a good memory, a really yummy taste, and quotes--really speak to me a lot! lol)--

"The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

(Alan Chalmbers)

My life seems to always be about DOING something. We always have places to go, people to see, things to do. And sometimes that makes things tiring, but I think that's just what life's all about with three active kids!

But, you know? I've always felt sorry for people who don't have things to look forward , or who don't have things and activities that they truly love... or who don't live life expectantly and with joy for what's to do next or what's to come tomorrow! (Not that there's anything wrong with spending a few days in pajamas with a good book and nothing to do--there is definite joy in that too and we all need days like that!)

I guess what I'm saying is that, although I may complain sometimes that there's always somewhere else I've got to go or something else I need to get done, I wouldn't have it any other way! Because--

"The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

What do you have to do this weekend?
What do you love?
What are you hopeful about, what do you have to look forward to?

For me, the weekend we have planned is busy again, with lots of family and fun.

Let's see...
~ We've got a softball tournament tonight and tomorrow about an hour away (we are actually taking a camper up with us and gonna try spending the night that way; I like the idea of having an air conditioned couch to go to if it gets too hot tomorrow!). This is our State Championship, so it's a pretty big deal! There are eight teams in the tournament, and two or three of them could really give us fits. So, keep your fingers crossed for us!

~ I'm gonna go have a margarita (and dinner too!) with a friend tonight. Always a good thing!

~ After church on Sunday, we're gonna celebrate our nephew's birthday somehow (I'm thinking with a movie!)

Amidst these "big" things, I also plan on...

~ exploring a used bookstore with McKenna on Saturday (whenever we travel out of town for softball, McKenna and I do our research and find out what scrapbook and book stores we can find.) And, you know, one of my 20 summer activities was to go on used bookstore excursions so I guess I'm gonna get one of those accomplished

~ homemade ice cream, finally!!! (Butterfinger is the plan!! And, yes Adrienne, I will bring you a bowl full! It will probably be Sunday night !LOL)

I'm planning on putting some photos out here for you all to enjoy, but Gary has the camera card reader at work with him. So....check back in later today, and there should be some pics added.

(I've got some of the girls being goofy--always something to look forward to! lol--and a pic of my blog friend Mandy and I, who I met last night at my scrapbook class! And if you go to her blog today, she actually has pics of two layouts she did!! Fun!!)

Edited to Add--Yay, I'm back with some pictures!!! These are just a couple of fun ones from the last week or so that I hadn't had a chance to upload because this camera had been left at my parents'. So, for your enjoyment (ha!), here are just some recent random photos...
First are some pictures from when we celebrated Delaney's birthday down at my parents', while my Grandma was in town. (The cutie patootie boys are my nephews, and the cool and stylish lady is Grandma!)...

A few of my best buddy Angela, at Mellow Mushroom and Books-a-Million...

Here is just a funny one of McKenna giving Sydney an airplane ride. We laughed SO hard for a LONG time over this; she'd put S up and let go, then S would spread her arms wide and just scream/squeal at the top of her lungs. (But please forgive the messiness of Delaney's room in the background; this is what happens to her room over Summer--blankets get thrown on the ground for sister slumber parties and DVDs and CDs get spread all over the place! lol)
Here I am with Mandy at my scrapbooking class last night (sheesh, I look kinda rough--who knew that scrapbooking took the color out of ya!)
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!! Let me know what's going on in your world!

And, by the way, I also like these two quotes and they really speak to me right now as well--

"Life is a cup to be filled not drained."


"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. " (Ooh, really LOVE that one!!!)


Adriann said...

Nice post! Very thought provoking. What would we do if we didn't have the birthday parties, church events, get togethers, and such? These activities keep us threaded together as a community, with smaller sub communities that are our family and friends... Enjoy your weekend!

Mississippi Songbird said...

I loved the quotes. Thanks for posting them. I enjoyed reading it. Have a safe and Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

I am cropping cyber style over at Creating Keepsakes! and checking out a new store in town.


Anonymous said...

Great post today! I love all your quotes. Hard to pick just one favorite among all. In fact, can I use them for my "quote a day" blog next week? I think I already have in queu the next two or three, but over the weekend I can create something using these fab quotes...I'll be sure to link :)
Have fun at the used book store this weekend...that sounds like a LOT of fun! :)

Kimberly White said...

Wonderful quotes Cheryl! Thanks for sharing them! Kim

Gretchen said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! I love your post today about something to do, someone to love, etc. I'm racing to get the house ready because my 9 year old teenage daughter returns from Girl Scout camp tomorrow, and a wonderful friend I've known for 15 years is coming with her 3 children to visit us from late tomorrow thru the 5th of July. Color me busy, but happy! Blessings on your week.

Andrea Frazer said...

I agree with you on staying busy. And then there's the times that I still find myself complaining about too many places and not enough down time. It's all about the balance, huh? You have a beautiful family and I can't wait to read more. Thanks for popping by. (And eat some icecream for me, please.)

Susie Q said...

Oh how I love this post! And it is SO true! The older I get the more I see HOW true it is! You have it all so right...these are some of my favorite quotations too.

Love the always! Rough looking?? YOU?? No way! You are a beautiful lady, always! Inside AND out!!

You are the best Cheryl!

Love ya,

scrapperjen said...

Wonderful post - you are one busy lady! I love your quotes - very inspiring.
Cute pictures - thanks for sharing.

Phats said...

Weekend- Playing in a tennis tournament

Love- Purdue athletics of course

look forward to- Purdue football of course! haha :)

Great quote, have a great weekend, and nice pictures

Renee said...

You are one of the busiest (and happiest about it!) people that I know. That's great; you're an inspiration to me.

Crazy Working Mom said...

I just love your rambly posts! The pictures were so awesome too. :)

Hope you have fun this weekend.

We'll be doing Chuch E Cheeze tomorrow. Rewarding the 4yo for being a good girl for three weeks in a row!!! Should be loads of fun

Loreluca said...

So true! Love your posting today and the things it makes me think about. I am working tomorrow in an interpreting assignment, and probably visiting Noni and Papa to help with their yard... And Sunday we'll try to fit two parties.
Hope your game goes well! Love the pics, especially the one of the "airplane ride" Connor LOVES those!

Anonymous said...

Your scrapbook pages always look great on your blog but I was in the scrapbook store yesterday and saw some on the wall -- they are AWESOME! Thanks for the great inspiration!

Lisa Elliott

NY KAT said...

Love the quotes! Hopefully you can find some treasures in the bookstores!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Doing the family thing~
Loving the sunshine~
Planning a 4th of July bash!

Adrienne said...

Love the quote! My life is much like yours!LOL, always something going on, and now I can TRULY enjoy it!!!!!!

Bare said...

You know, those are so VERY, VERY true-- Being able to get out, and do things, and truly appreciate life, and all of the blessings God has given me, and really made me a happier person.

I enjoy having something to do, being able to go places, and have things to look forward to-- those are the things that keep me going.

As you can tell, I've been negelcting my blog, because I've had SO much going on-- but am thankful to have those things! Hope your summer has been going great, as well! *hugs*

Susie said...

Hope your weekend is/was full of fun! Love the Chalmers true!
Your homemade ice cream sounds good. My daughter in law made homemade choc chip for her daughter's birthday party..