Thursday, July 19, 2007

Surfin Around...

Busy here. Worked on some scrapbook stuff last night for the first time in ages, but ran out of adhesive right before I was done. So, dang it...I don't have the pages to share with you. But tomorrow is the plan!

In the meantime, lookie at some of the cool stuff I've found online in the last few days. Check em out!

~ Go HERE to read an outstanding article by Stephen King at Entertainmet on the last Harry Potter book. I feel much like King does--he feels sad and a little bit uneasy going into the last book. Mostly because it's the last book and he knows it will all be over soon. When I think about it, reading this last book will be like a last gasp of childhood for a lot of kids who started readin git when they were like 8 and are now graduating from high school. I can' t wait to read it, but it will be bittersweet. Bring on the 7th book, but give me some tissues!

~ I love to go out to eat and a good friend of mine has the most awesome SITE where you can check out recipes in the Birmingham area. If you are anywhere close by (or are ever gonna travel here), you need to check out her site. I love to just surf around and imagine eating at all the great restaurants!! (Vicarious dining!! lol)

~ Speaking of food, go to THIS BLOG and just look at all the yummy, scrumptious cupcakes and fun ideas! This has got to me the coolest blog!

~ Along with scrapbooking, reading, and cooking (and/or eating), I think you all know how obsessed I am with sports!!! I love any and all sports (well, except Nascar) and I am just all a-twitter with the excitement of college football being just 40 days away. So THIS cool list was right up my alley (when you get to the column, there is a box where you can click to go to each of the 100 on their list!!). I love sports countdowns and it's especially fun--and gets me so ready for my Crimson Tide to kick it off!

~ I am so doing THIS once school gets started. I love to read and this is just the coolest challenge Once we're done with summer activities, I think this will be the perfect activity for me!

If you ever find cool new websites, articles, or blogs, send them on to me. I love to find new treasures on the Net!

And now for a quick update... My Mom spent two nights in the hospital, having tests done. She had an MRI done and they didn't find any new damage to her brain. They did find that her blood pressure had gone up considerably, so that might have caused the problesm. She still has another test she has to go into the doctor's office for, so maybe it might reveal something. I think really it's just more of the same that she has had to deal with since her aneuryism 12 years ago; I think she's pretty much resolved to the fact that she'll never be fully healthy for the rest of her life. She has good weeks and bad weeks and that's how it is, and she has a great attitude about it. (and it makes me even more grateful than ever that she made it through her Europe trip with McKenna; what happened to her this week is what I'd been afraid would happen while she was overseas. But Thank God she made it okay!)

My brother, Christopher, will be scheduling his back surgery soon. His spinal block didn't give him enough relief and his surgeon pretty much thinks he needs to go with the surgery; based on the pain he's been having, I think that's a good idea. Christopher is such a strong guy (he is a weightlifer; was the #1 in Mississippi in his weight class when we lived there several years ago) and so healthy (probably the healthiest I know), so it's hard to see him in pain. But he'll make it just fine; another family member with a great attitude!

So thanks for all the prayers for them!'m working on two stories that are due in the next few days (one is for the real estate section of my local paper, and the other is on how college freshmen adjust to their new lves on campus--see? I write on just about anything, as long as they'll pay me! lol)

I also hope to get my hands on some adhesive, so I can finish my scrapbook pages and share them with you tomorrow.

Have an oustanding day!!!!


Dawn Bibbs said...

Just can't get the beach out of your head, huh? You're STILL surfing :-).

That's what I do late at night, when I don't have anymore emails to surf the net. It's mindboggoling what you can find out there.

Hope everything works out well with your mom and your brother. They sound like pretty strong people.

Can't wait to see the LO's you did. Don't you just HATE when you run out of adhesive? It happens to the best of

Enjoy your day, my friend.

Anonymous said...


Loreluca said...

Great news about your mom's condition not being worse, at least so far. And hope your brother has a speedy recovery.

I didn't see any nobel prize winning list... aw, man! I love those, too! And I would like to re-read a couple of those that I already read.

Not very good with sports, though, maybe because my fave teams just never win (Cubs and Bears... they just don't DELIVER)

Anyways, I wish I could bake. I am so not good at baking, it's not even funny. But those cupcakes look SCRUMPTIOUS!

And we'll be waiting for those LOs tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

hey Cheryl!!! it's been awhile...sorry!!! those are some pretty cool sites....I love the cupcake one!!!

O...just so you know...i would love to plan a trip to the southern part of the states and meet all my bama bloggers!!! you girls are always so sweet!!! and the food...LOL!!!

have a great day!! ciao chcia!!

Mississippi Songbird said...

Praying for your Mom and your brother..

Thanks for the cupcake blog link. Looks like a cool site..
Have a Blessed day!

Cheryl Wray said...

Dawn--Yep, still thinking about the beach! LOL I love to surf the net; it's one of my guilty pleasures!! Will post some layouts tomorrow. Like how they're turning out!
Gin--Yumm, cupcakes!
Loreluca-They will both be fine. It helps that they are so positive!There actually IS a Nobel Prize list on that. I think that is such a cool idea and I signed up for it!
Jessi--Oh, you would be in Food Heaven down here in Bama! Southern food is the BEST!!
Songbird--Thanks for your prayers!! Cupcakes...mmm!!!!

Susie said...

Those cupcakes look yummy! Good news about your Mom, and even better that she had no problems while on vacation in Europe..

Kingcover said...

I'll be thinking about your mum and brother and hoping they make a full and speeding recovery back to their healthy lives.

*Reaching through computer to give you some more adhesive*. Well will these do??? They are extra strong strength so don't go sticking your fingers togeth ........ oh you silly woman. What did I just say to you?! Geesh *shakes head in disbelief* :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cupcake pointer! YUMMERS!

Stacy said...

will have to check out the cupcake site thinking of you and your family keeping you in our prayers have a good weekend

Cheryl Wray said...

Susie-So glad Mom is doing better. She is just trying to take it easy now!
King--YAY!!! Thanks for sending some adhesive my way! Now I can get my pages done!!!
Liz--Doesn't that make you want some cupcakes right this instant?
Stacy--Thanks! You have a great weekend too!

Adrienne said...

Great entry! you kept me busy with all the links!!! LOL